»Articles»Useful Advice»Daily intake of magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium and iron

Daily intake of magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium and iron

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Minerals are essential for good health. The human body uses more than 80 minerals for normal functioning. Every living cell is directly dependent on the minerals in the organism, they are responsible for its proper structuring and functioning. They are necessary for the formation of blood and bone, composition of body fluids and the healthy functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Magnesium. Recommended daily dose: males - 350 mg, women - 280 mg, pregnant women- 320 mg. Magnesium is a key ingredient for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. It helps the body to absorb calcium better and is responsible for maintaining healthy bones.

Calcium. Recommended daily dose: 800mg for adults, pregnant women and young children - 1200 mg. Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining bones. It contributes to the formation of cell membranes, regulation of neural excitability and muscle contraction. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth. Helps the heart beat regularly. Helps your nervous system, especially in impulse transmission, it also contributes to the normalization of blood clotting. It can help prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis. It is more effective when combined with: vitamins A, C, D, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, copper, silicon, zinc, boron, selenium, chromium and many other trace elements.

Potassium. The recommended daily dose for adults is 2000mg. Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the organism. It is necessary for the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and the insulin secretion by the pancreas, in order to regulate the water balance of the organism.

Selenium. Recommended daily dose: men - 70 micrograms, women - 55 micrograms, pregnant ladies- 65 micrograms. Selenium stimulates the metabolism, it is a natural antioxidant that protects your cells and tissues from free radicals. Selenium also supports immune function and neutralizes certain poisonous substances such as cadmium, mercury and arsenic, which can be ingested or inhaled.

Iron. Recommended daily dose: adults- 10 mg, in postmenopausal women - 15 mg, pregnant females- 30 mg. Lack of iron deprives body tissues of oxygen and can cause anemia. Symptoms of this are fatigue, pallor, dizziness, sensitivity to cold, irritability, fatigue, poor concentration and heart palpitations. It was found that these foods inhibit iron absorption: coffee, tea, soya foods, antacids and tetracycline. Also, excessive amounts of calcium, zinc and manganese may inhibit its absorption.



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