Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
What you May Not Know about HoneyWhat you May Not Know about Honey
25 Nov.
Did you know that honey gives more energy than coffee? Get in the habit of adding a spoonful of honey to your tea, to your morning toast, eating a little before training exercises and you'll notice the difference.
Coffee Helps Against ObesityCoffee Helps Against Obesity
25 Nov.
According to the experts, the chlorogenic acid can protect a person from the harmful consequences that obesity undoubtedly leads to. Scientists explain that this chemical compound is able to decrease insulin resistance and the accumulation of liver fat.
Our Body Recuperates When We FastOur Body Recuperates When We Fast
20 Nov.
Besides cleansing the soul, fasting helps in cleansing the body. When the weather turns cold every year, the toxins found in our blood begin to seep into our tissues.
Foods That Whet your AppetiteFoods That Whet your Appetite
20 Nov.
Almost all of the substances in high fructose corn syrup are processed, making even moderate consumption of it hazardous. This syrup tricks our body, so the more we consume it, the hungrier we get afterwards.
What Type of Bread is Healthy?What Type of Bread is Healthy?
19 Nov.
There are several types of bread that are remarkably healthy and beneficial. By eating them a person can provide important nutrients to their body without having to starve themselves.
Advantages of Brown Rice Over White RiceAdvantages of Brown Rice Over White Rice
18 Nov.
Brown rice as a whole has many advantages over white. Its ingredients determine this. First off, the selenium in it has been proven to make us healthier.
Fatty Foods are More Harmful for MenFatty Foods are More Harmful for Men
13 Nov.
Burgers, donuts and toast are vastly more harmful for the male brain, informs ABC, citing a new American study done on lab mice.
Apples Increase Life Expectancy by 17 YearsApples Increase Life Expectancy by 17 Years
10 Nov.
The regular consumption of apples can increase our life expectancy by an entire 17 years. If you eat this fruit regularly, you may also visibly rejuvenate.
Foods That Need to be Eaten Every DayFoods That Need to be Eaten Every Day
10 Nov.
Yoghurt - helps fortify the immune system, plus it provides calcium, vitamins and proteins for our body. All of these maintain healthy bones and help for a better functioning metabolism.
Vitamins for FallVitamins for Fall
06 Nov.
Once September has passed, you need to fuel yourself with fresh vitamins, because that is the period of fall depression and the first colds.