Other food ingredients and information on them and their composition. Storage, choice and consumption of different types of food ingredients. Uses of various food ingredients.
White chocolate is a derivative of chocolate, which can officially be termed chocolate. White chocolate must contain at least 20 cocoa butter, 14 milk.
Himalayan salt is the perfect healthy substitute for table salt. Composition of Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt restores electrolyte balance in the body, while at the same time helps detoxify it.
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate is a product of countless useful applications. Selection and storage of baking soda. Dangers of baking soda.
Yeast is used in the production of pasta and brewing, but also in healthy eating. Yeast is known since antiquity. Composition of yeast. Beauty with yeast.
Margarine is an artificial substitute for natural animal and vegetable fats. Composition and production of margarine. Selection and storage of margarine.
Tempeh is a product of cooked soybeans and the enzyme rizosporus Molde. Tempeh is highly nutritious. Tempeh can be stored in the refrigerator up to 5 days.
Soy flour is found in two varieties - whole and skimmed. soy flour is used in combination with a simple meal. Soy flour contains no cholesterol or gluten.