Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate is a product of countless useful applications in everyday life. It is indispensable as an raising agent in cooking, for reaction with other substances and releases bubbles of carbon dioxide - the real cause of swelling of cakes, pastries, some types of bread and cakes, and other baked goods.

Baking soda (NaHCO3) is actually unsaturated sodium salt of carbonic acid (H2CO3). For its healing properties, there are thousands of pages, and for its therapeutic properties are something no one can argue.

All chemicals can be classified to a factor pH (hydrogen index), which is a measure of acidity and basicity. Baking soda is no exception. Water is 7.0 and is neutral. All substances with a pH above 7.0 are alkaline, while those with a pH below 7.0 are acidic. With a pH in the range of 8.4 baking soda is slightly alkaline, and is able to neutralize strong acids, such as those in the stomach.

Selection and storage of baking soda

Choose packaged soda on whose label is clearly mentioned an expiry date. Keep baking soda in a dark and dry place, sealed in its packet. Do not make it wet because it spoils its chemical composition and it loses its qualities.

Culinary use of baking soda

It has been already hinted at the magical power of baking soda as a raising agent. Sodium bicarbonate is a component in baking powder, which includes further acids, such as citric acid, acid salts (hydrogen phosphate, etc.). They have the ability to react when moistened with soda with carbonic acid secretion. The latter is decomposed into water and carbon dioxide and the process determines Bounce, and blister formation in baking.


Besides various baked goods - cakes, pastries, breads, donuts, buns, etc. baking soda is also used in various cuisine. Some experts advise to soak the vegetables for a few hours in water with baking soda, which helps the exit of harmful substances in its processing.

Benefits of baking soda

Baking soda can help turn health problems, both internally and externally. It is used for treatment of ulcers in the mouth, varicella, sore throat, dyspepsia, gum disease, infection of the urinary tract, heartburn, foot odor, sunburn, dryness of mouth, itching, body odor, heat rash, hives, bites and stings from insects, foreign bodies under the skin, athlete's foot, etc..

Baking soda is among the fastest acting antacids. It calms itchy bites and stings from insects, helps remove tartar, neutralize acids, help your teeth. Soda weakens the symptoms of a bladder infection.

Doctors use it to adjust the acidity of the blood during hemodialysis. In medical practice, a 0.5-2% solution of sodium bicarbonate was used to wash and rinse cycles in rhinitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, conjunctivitis, etc.

Healing recipes with baking soda

For Colds: In a pot, pour 1 cup of water and add 1 tsp soda. After boiling the water in front of the kettle is placed a tube of paper (not a newspaper or magazine). Inhale steam from the pot for 10-15 minutes.

For coughing: 2 times daily on an empty stomach, drink ½ cup hot water, with ½ tsp soda and a pinch of salt. To soothe a sore throat, gargle with the same solution every 4 hours.

Bicarbonate soda

For ulcers: For disinfection of the mouth in frequently occurring ulcers, you should rinse your mouth after each meal with a solution of sodium bicarbonate (85 d), salt (85 d) and urea (2.5 g).

Headaches and migraines: If dysfunction of the stomach is associated with violation of acidity, this is a common cause of headache. For such cases, 1 cup milk at room temperature with 2 pinches soda will neutralize stomach acid and soothe headaches.

Migraines can be remedied by daily drinking of boiled water with ½ tsp soda therein. During the first day half an hour before lunch drink 1 cup boiled water, which is dissolved in half a teaspoon soda, on the second day - 2 cups etc. up to 7 cups, then the rate is reduced every day with 1 cup

Beauty with baking soda

Unexpectedly, baking soda can be used successfully as a cosmetic product. Furthermore, it can alleviate burns and rashes on the skin, and baking soda is used as:

Baking soda as a facial scrub: Moisten face and gently axfoliate the skin with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Once done, rinse with lukewarm water and apply cream everyday.

Mix 1 tsp baking soda with 1 tablespoon flour. Add a little water to get a thick paste. Apply on your skin that you previously cleaned well. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse.

Masks with baking soda: Wet your finger with water, dip it in baking soda and make a paste. Put it on your skin. Leave on as long as possible and clean.

Soda to fix smelly feet: Make a foot bath, dissolving the soda in warm water in a bowl. Baking soda neutralizes the acids that cause foot odor. To eliminate the same problem, it can be used under the armpits.

Homemade toothpaste with baking soda: 2 tablespoons baking soda + 2 drops essential oil of peppermint or cinnamon + water enough to get a thick paste. This homemade toothpaste can be stored in a airtight container for a month at room temperature.

Dangers of baking soda

To banish heartburn, frequent intake of soda is not recommended as it is famous in this regard. It relieves the current conditions, but may lead to serious consequences. Relief usually comes immediately but lasts about 30 minutes. Not recommended to frequently use this method of treatment of the acid because the baking soda is high in sodium, which helps to increase the blood pressure.


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