
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

Increasingly, people are going back to foods, that were common in ancient times. Some ancient foods were of great importance in feeding the population and made an valuable contribution to humanity, but were later undeservedly neglected and almost forgotten.

Today, they are rediscovering their enormous capacity and finding a place on our tables, where they should be. One of those are oats. Rediscovering it, people realized, that they had one of the most valuable foods on Earth in front of them and oatmeal is our idea of a healthy breakfast.

Preparation and composition of oatmeal

Oats are a cereal plant grown for its grain. It produces flour, semolina and oatmeal. To obtain oatmeal, oats undergo processing that separates the grain from the inedible part of the crop. In the process of grinding, only the outer shell is removed and the oatmeal remains.

The composition of this raw material is extremely rich in nutrients. Oatmeal has a well-balanced nutritional composition. It is a good source of complex, also called slow carbohydrates, fiber and contains more protein and fat than most cereals. It is rich in important vitamins, minerals and antioxidant plant compounds.

The range of vitamins and minerals in oatmeal include calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, B vitamins and more. If eaten raw, oatmeal replenishes the body with vitamins B1 and B9. The content of vitamin B5 is defined as high and they are indicated for food rich in this vitamin.

Unlike most cereals, oatmeal retains its vitamins and minerals fully, after its outer skin is peeled, which is why oatmeal is a classic healthy breakfast.

The amount of fiber, which is significant in the product, means slower digestion of food and hence lower glycemic index. And this fact suggests that this food satiates for a long time.

Health benefits of oatmeal

Healthy oatmeal

Oatmeal is a source of complex carbohydrates and can satiate the body for a long time, as it is rich in nutrients and low glycemic index. When absorbed slowly, they do not cause reactions to blood sugar and insulin levels. At the same time, they slow down stable energy levels, avoiding hunger and fiber cleanses the digestive system.

Oatmeal is good for the heart. Whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease. They are characterized by the content of beta-glucan, soluble fiber, which lower bad cholesterol. The breakdown and fermentation of beta-glucans strengthen the health of the intestinal microflora

With oatmeal, the weight can also be adjusted. Longer satiety reduces the need for frequent meals.

When consuming oatmeal, the fibers, passing through the intestines, absorb water and along with it extract the waste products. This prevents waste products from staying in the digestive tract for a long time.

For people with gluten intolerance, oatmeal is a food that can only be consumed after individual consultation with a specialist.

Types of oatmeal

There are two types of oatmeal according to the way they are processed: fine and coarse. The coarse one is more preferred, because the way it is processed ensures the preservation of the maximum amount of useful substances in its composition.

Fine oatmeal is suitable for people with a more sensitive stomach, as the large amount of fiber in the coarse one is more irritating.

Oatmeal and oat bran

oat bran

There is a difference between the two. Oatmeal is the core of the oat grain. Oat bran is its shell. Oat bran and nuts contain almost the same amount of calories and fat, but contain double the protein and oat fiber and this is not always a good alternative. For people with a sensitive stomach, oat bran is not an alternative.

In terms of other nutrients, bran is less valuable. This is due to the fact that the grain has been removed and this way the nutrient supply of the whole grain oat has been lost.

Oatmeal is considered a wholesome food, while bran is just an element of oats. Although they come from the same source - whole grain oats are converted into different products after processing. The total nutritional value of oat bran is lower. Oat bran serves as an enricher for bread and bread products.

How to prepare oatmeal?

Depending on the different type of oats, a method is also used to prepare a hot breakfast cereal or the popular oatmeal.

The most famous way is to soak or by boil oatmeal.

They can be covered with boiling water - like muesli with dried fruit and nuts. A savory oatmeal can be prepared - with vegetables and cheese.

The oats can be baked and from oat flour you can make bread or add the oats to bread or pastries.

Oatmeal porridge

Oatmeal can be garnished with honey, yogurt or fruit. For this version, it must be very carefully considered whether the available fructose and lactose will not spoil the diet. Low-fat milk and cinnamon, which regulates blood sugar, can be used to maintain the diet.

Oatmeal is not only a suitable breakfast, but can be used to make dough for sandwiches with meat, fish or vegetarian sandwiches with salad and vegetables.

Oatmeal pancakes can also be made with the dough.

They are a good addition to soups, yogurt, cottage cheese or in protein shakes. Oat cappuccino, which is an alternative to coffee, has also become very popular recently.

Types of oatmeal products

Oatmeal is contained in products that are sold in stores. We can find them in the following forms:

- Organic oatmeal - peeled and roasted oatmeal cut in half. They are boiled for 2-3 minutes or soaked before consumption;

- Instant oatmeal - these organic oats are further pressed and rolled in oat flour. They are also soaked or boiled in boiling water;

- Fine oatmeal - These oats are finely chopped and pressed after they have been roasted. They are ready for consumption, just pour hot water or a drink of your choice;

- As chips in muesli or cornflakes, oatmeal is from 50 to 90 percent of the composition of these products, in which the disadvantage is the dried added fruit, which add sugar and calories.

Oatmeal storage

Oatmeal is marketed as a ready-to-eat product. It is stored in a dry and dark place. If boiled or soaked, the oats can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours.

Here are some tips for oatmeal lovers:

Before soaking, the oats must be washed to remove bran residues or hard impurities during processing.

The best way to preserve all the nutrients is to prepare them for consumption by soaking.

To make the portion of oatmeal healthier and more voluminous, it is good to add 1-2 spoons of pressed nuts.

The classic way to prepare oatmeal is as a porridge. It is very healthy.


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