Tempeh is a product of cooked soybeans and the enzyme rizosporus Molde. This enzyme binds soy beans in a white mass and also produces natural antibiotic agents that are believed to increase protection against intestinal infections. Tempeh is prepared by controlled fermentation.
Among traditional soy products, tempeh is the only thing that does not come from China or Japan. The home of tempeh is Indonesia, its history dates back 1, 800 years ago or more. The first written records of tempeh are only from 1875. In Europe, tempeh starts to be produced between 1946-1959. In America tempeh is commercially produced for the first time in 1961 by Indonesian immigrants.
Nowadays tempeh is also gaining popularity because it is a substitute for meat, which benefits many vegetarians and vegans, and their number is increasing daily. Although both tempeh and tofu are made from soybeans, their tastes have nothing common.
Composition of tempeh
Tempeh is highly nutritious and contains many nutrients including essential amino acids and soy phytochemicals. The main phytochemicals are izoflavin and saponins.
Tempeh has a very low fat but rich in protein. It is also an excellent source of essential minerals like iron and calcium, vitamins of the B group, A and C and large amounts of manganese, copper, phosphorus, soluble and insoluble fiber and fatty acids.
100 g tempeh contains 200 calories, 7.7 g fat, 17 g carbohydrates, 4.8 g fiber, 19 g protein.

Selection and storage of tempeh
Tempej is a popular product. It can be found in most organic shops and the price is about 2 Euros for 200 grams. Tempeh can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the freezer. Buy tempeh, which is whitish. Although it may have some black or gray spots, there should be no traces of pink, blue or yellow, because it shows that it is too fermented.
Tempeh can be stored in the refrigerator up to 5 days. Before placing it in the refrigerator, wrap it well in a plastic bag. Freezer temperature helps it keep its qualities for several months.
Culinary uses of tempeh
Tempeh has a complex flavor that can be likened to a mixture of the flavor of nuts, meat and mushrooms. The product tastes like chicken. Tempeh is used in hamburgers, fried in oil, and vegetables, served as a side dish, put in soups, steamed or stir-fried dishes. Tempeh combines perfectly with seafood and fish. As seen, it is very high in protein, making it one of the healthiest meat substitutes.
Marinated tempeh is a delicacy for the senses. Needed are 2 ½ teaspoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon rosemary, basil and thyme, 2 cloves chopped garlic. Place a tempeh piece in the mixture and marinate it for about half an hour. Cutting temperature takes more than the aroma of spices and it tastes better. After it is well-seasoned, cook with oil.
For delicious and healthy salad with tempeh, you need several pieces of tempeh, 2 tomatoes, 1 head onion, parsley, 50 g sprouts, 1 tablespoon raw sesame seeds, soya oil and soy sauce, small cucumber and green onions. Marinate tempeh with soy sauce and grilled with onions. Cut the remaining products. Mix everything together and pour on a dressing with soy sauce and oil. Optional, soak the sesame for several hours in water before adding it to the salad.

Sometimes the pace has a slightly bitter taste. To reduce the bitterness, put tempeh in boiling water for about 10 minutes and then cook the recipe you have chosen.
Benefits of tempeh
Regular consumption of tempeh helps reduce the levels of cholesterol, making it a very valuable tool in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, which are caused precisely by the accumulation of excessive amounts of cholesterol. Furthermore, it is very high in fiber.
When eating tempeh, the fibers make up its contact with the fat and cholesterol in your diet. Thus these harmful components are absorbed in smaller quantities in the body. On the other hand, fiber supports normal and healthy functioning of the digestive system. At temperatures all fibers from the soybeans are maintained.
Another serious disease that it affects positively is diabetes type 2. Protein contained in tempeh is extremely useful for diabetics having problems with consuming protein from animal sources. Fibers and proteins in tempeh help prevent high blood sugar at the same time control its normal and healthy range.
One of the most popular applications of soy products, particularly tempeh is to relieve the symptoms that occur during menopause. Soya foods are rich in isoflavones, which act as a mild substitute for estrogen in the body. Tempeh strengthens bones and has a strong anti-cancer effect.