Which ingredients you should choose for cooking, so the meals retain the beneficial properties that are needed for optimal health and a well- functioning immune system? Find a list of cooking ingredients , their origins and use. Learn which product is useful for what and which recipes it is used in.
Peanut oil is light vegetable oil, which after treatment retains the flavor and taste of peanuts. Peanut oil does not absorb the flavor of other foods.
Kamut is an Egyptian wheat found in Egyptian pyramids. At the table of Americans, Kamut appeared only in 1980. Kamut resembles wheat, but is 2-3 times larger.
Sapodilla, Manilkara Sapota, also known as tree potato is a beautiful evergreen tree that has smooth straight trunk and thick bark. Sapodilla belongs to the Sapota family.
Spelt, Triticum spelta, is a kind of ancient wheat, which is also called Dink. Spelt is displaced as the primary by of the wheat, from which the yield is relatively larger.
Sea bream is a fish with white, soft and slightly dry meat. Selecting and storing bream. The meat of sea bream is white, firm and juicy, allowing cooking in a variety of ways.