Which ingredients you should choose for cooking, so the meals retain the beneficial properties that are needed for optimal health and a well- functioning immune system? Find a list of cooking ingredients , their origins and use. Learn which product is useful for what and which recipes it is used in.
Sangiovese is a red wine grape variety, originating from Tuscany, Italy, known since the times of the Roman Empire. Sangiovese grows relatively well in different types of soil but limestone stresses its elegance and the power of its flavors.
In vegetarian cuisine, chicken of the woods is used as a substitute for chicken meat. Chicken of the woods is suitable for frying, marinating, boiling, breading.
Cuttlefish inhabit coastal waters; they can be found at depths of 656 ft (200 m) below sea level. Cuttlefish meat is exceptionally popular in Mediterranean cuisine. It is eaten boiled, baked or fried.
Absinthe is a highly alcoholic drink, popular among exotic drink enthusiasts. Absinthe has historically become known as the green drink of the Devil or simply Green Devil , due to the numerous incidents caused by people who drank too much absinthe.
Russula is a genus of the Basidiomycota division, belonging to the Russulaceae family. The green-cracking Russula is common in deciduous forests. It is found near beeches and oaks, sometimes around birch as well.
Sauvignon blanc is a variety of white wine grape, originating from the Bordeaux region of France. Sauvignon blanc wines are characterized by mellowness and crystal purity.
Herring is a saltwater schooling fish from the Clupeidae family. Herring eat plankton but the adults also feed on small fish. In the Arctic regions, herring release their roe during the spring.
Eels spend the majority of their life in freshwater basins but breed in salty ocean waters, going on very long migrations to do this. Eels are typically nocturnal and predatory fish.
Chardonnay is characterized by unbelievable fruity flavors, that often remind of a delightful yellow fruit. Besides in France, Chardonnay is widespread in many other countries in the world.
Pontic shad evolved to be able to live in both fresh and saltwater bodies. Pontic shad inhabits saltwater but during the mating season it migrates to the mouths of rivers. Mating season is between the months of April and July.
With time, bourbon continues to find ever wider use in the kitchen. Cocktails with this corn drink are favorites among the ladies, as well as gents. Bourbon mixes excellently with mint, baking soda, different types of liqueurs.
The swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is a predatory fish from the Perciformes order that is especially popular because of its characteristic appearance. The swordfish possesses quite a long bill, resembling a sword, hence its name.
Pike goes superbly with dill, cream, lemons and onions. In some countries, they combine it with sauerkraut. You can enrich the flavor of the pike meat with spicy sauces and spices.