Which ingredients you should choose for cooking, so the meals retain the beneficial properties that are needed for optimal health and a well- functioning immune system? Find a list of cooking ingredients , their origins and use. Learn which product is useful for what and which recipes it is used in.
Wholegrain bread is one of the most valuable foods for people, as long as it is made from quality materials and has no undesirable ingredients such as additives, stabilizers and preservatives. Wholegrain bread has a unique flavor.
Lychee / Litchi chinensis / is a slow-growing evergreen tree which reaches a height of up to 39. 4 ft (12 meters), but is usually found in smaller sizes. The flowers of the lychee are small, yellow-green and gathered in inflorescences.
Breadcrumbs are a culinary ingredient that is widely used in the preparation of various dishes and breading. The name breadcrumbs comes from the Italian word galetta or French galette .
Agar-Agar, or simply agar, is a gelling agent - a polysaccharide which is derived from several species of red algae. Agar-agar is an ideal product for gelling.
Hummus clay is a whitish greasy clay, which is widely used in hygiene and cosmetics. Hummus is one of the best natural remedies for internal treatment, having been used since ancient times.
Black beans are a plant of the Fabaceae family. Black beans are native to South America, but can be grown anywhere. The broth of boiled black beans is a remedy for arthritis
Soursop, Annona muricata, is derived from the botanical Annonaceae family. Soursop and Soursop products have very good nerve tonic and sedative effects.
Carob, Ceratonia siliqua. is an evergreen plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Carob is one of the most popular sweeteners. Carob does not contain caffeine.
Fructose is a carbohydrate with a sweet taste. According to studies, fructose is inverted sugar, which is not treated with insulin. Sources of fructose.