There are certain aspects required in the preparation of beef and pork shanks to make them flavorful, delicious and irresistible. The secret of a good shank is in the marinade.
Gluhwein and grog are very suitable for the cold months, because they have a warming effect. These two aromatic warming drinks are made using a variety of spices, including the mandatory allspice.
Why is it necessary to sit for hours in front of the stove to fry goodies when you can just slide them in the oven? Here are some ideas for fried foods in the oven:
To cook delicious fish, whatever it is, we require some mandatory components. You should always have lemons - this is something without which the fish can’t be seasoned well.
It is not necessary to have eggs in desserts in order for them to be tasty and light. Cupcakes with apple stuffing, which are made without eggs, are a scrumptious dessert.
Here are some suggestions for easy and delicious party dips that will combine nicely with breadsticks, bruschetta or rusks. Our first proposal is a party dip with cottage cheese.
If you have topside beef, you can make many different types of dishes. You cannot go wrong if you cook it as a stew - with a wide variety of vegetables.
Here are some great recipes to make your Saturday breakfast delicious and memorable. French toast with jam - a classic of the genre, but the sought after yummy effect is always achieved on Saturday mornings.
Some of the tastiest, and easiest for every housewife appetizers are those made with pancakes. If you are having a family dinner or one of your friends over, you can safely bet on them.
Chickpeas are cooked for long periods of time in order to become sufficiently palatable. Chickpea salad with pine nuts is suitable for the every day as well as for holiday feasts.