The world is crazy about the unknown. Exotic foods have become an integral part of our menu. And rightly so – they are super healthy.
And although the spiritual teacher Deunov advises us to consume foods that are typical only for our region, the fashion for new foods is consuming us more and more. Many of them are not typical for our latitudes and travel thousands of kilometers before they end up in our stores.
And if you're wondering which product holds the top spot on the world's most luxurious food, let us tell you that it's beluga caviar. This exotic food in gastronomy costs more than $5, 000 per kilogram. The high price is determined by the fact that this type of fish lives only in the Caspian Sea and specimens must mature for more than 20 years before their violet-black caviar is edible.
Leaving this delicacy aside, healthy products should not be neglected, but should be a main part of our menu. For those cases when you want to diversify from the usual salad and noodles, in the gallery above you can view the top 10 of the most exotic foods with incredible benefits for our health.
1. Acai berry
The exotic palm grows all over South America. Its fruits are small and very similar to blueberries. Acai berry fights aging processes and accelerates metabolism, which, in turn, supports weight loss processes. Strengthens metabolism and regulates energy balance;

2. Blueberries
The delicious berries have been used to treat intestinal ailments for centuries. Low in fat and calories, blueberries increase endurance and stop the aging process;
3. Ginger

Fresh ginger has a slightly bitter taste, but it strengthens the body's resistance and is used to treat colds. However, its true medicinal properties are revealed when it is well dried. Dried ginger improves blood supply to the intestines, stops inflammatory processes and supports the recovery of the intestinal mucosa;
4. Almonds
A few almonds a day can turn your life around. They contain good fats like those found in avocados. They are filling, which makes them a suitable food for diets. They also act preventively against diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. They also improve heart activity;
5. Quinoa
There is a rich palette of useful substances in the small grains. They are one of the best sources of plant-based protein and they are gluten-free. Quinoa is rightly ranked among the superfoods, as it is one of the few natural products in which all nine of the most important amino acids for humans are found;

6. Avocado
Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, avocados have been proven to reduce cholesterol levels in the body and improve cardiovascular activity. The green pear-shaped fruit contains many vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. It is good for hair and skin. And despite being one of the fattiest fruits in the world, avocados are calorie-free;
7. Chia
Chia is considered a truly magical fruit. Its properties were known to the ancients. 5, 000 years ago, they used it as medicine. It contains the extremely important Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as a large amount of protein;

8. Goji berries
It slows down aging, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens immunity and the functions of the heart. In addition, the fruit is good for the skin and hair. Goji berry is rightly considered the most useful fruit in the world;
9. Kale
Only 100 g of it is enough to supply us with the daily dose of vitamin C. It also contains vitamin A, iron and calcium - a real vitamin bomb;

10. Turmeric
Like ginger, turmeric has been considered sacred for millennia. The Indian spice is an integral part of the curry ingredients. Its intake reduces cholesterol and improves digestion processes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.