»Articles»Useful Advice»The Most Healthy Foods for Men

The Most Healthy Foods for Men

Nadia Galinova
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Nadia Galinova
The Most Healthy Foods for Men

The specific nutritional needs of the stronger sex require that there is always varied and wholesome food on the table. However, a few foods are simply must-haves for men. Combined with physical activity, they can have a preventive effect on cardiovascular disease and cancer.



Vegetables strengthen the body and increase muscle endurance. The substance stanozolol is extremely beneficial. It has medicinal properties, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the stomach, acts antithrombotic and against systemic sclerosis.

Many point to broccoli as the healthiest vegetable for men. They are useful in the prevention of heart diseases and bladder cancer, which is more often registered in men. Broccoli is rich in potassium, vitamin C, beta carotene, which makes it a product suitable for strengthening the immune system.



Experts point to bananas, cherries, strawberries and berries as the most healthy for men. The combination of potassium and magnesium contained in bananas lowers the risk of stroke. Vitamin B6 supports the immune, nervous system and protein metabolism.

Among the important foods for men are orange juice, milk, tomatoes, legumes. Flavonoids, anthocyanins (pigments) and antioxidants in the composition of strawberries and forest fruits strengthen the body and have a beneficial effect on the brain of men.



Among the top-healthy foods for men are nuts, which are one of the most wholesome foods in general. Experts point to Brazil nut as a favorite for men's health. It is an oily nut rich in magnesium and selenium, which are excellent antioxidants. Brazil nut also helps against cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer. Selenium in it reduces the level of bad cholesterol and has a blood clotting effect.

Fish and seafood


Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in oily fish, play a major role here. They strengthen the heart and the immune system, have prophylactic ability against prostate cancer. Among the most healthy representatives of the seas, oceans and rivers are sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring.

From the seafood, oysters are particularly recommended. They are an excellent source of zinc for the body, which is important for almost all physiological processes - from the reproduction of DNA to the repair of the male testicles. According to research, taking daily doses of zinc can protect the damaged cells in the prostate, which cause cancer.

Whole grain foods

Whole grain foods

Whole grain foods are good for both men and women. They are a complete source of vitamins and minerals that are good for the heart. The nutrients contained in them take part in the structure of the muscles, which is especially important for men.

Whole grain foods do not make you fat. Soy is also healthy in small amounts, because it contains isoflavonoids, which protect against prostate diseases and obesity.
