The thyroid gland is a sensitive organ. Even small deviations occurring in its functions provoke a health problem. Nutrition can be a factor in the disorder of its activity.
Some foods lead to hyperfunction, while others suppress its function. There are also those who keep it in good condition. Here are some thyroid foods that do both.
Foods harmful to the thyroid gland
As the most harmful for the thyroid gland fast foods are pointed out. This is due to the artificial additives that are put in them. They are the cause of hormonal imbalance. The levels of thyroid hormone, which is a product of the thyroid gland, are included.
Chips, snacks, sweets, burgers have been proven harmful to this sensitive organ. They should be excluded from the diet not only bypeople with problems in the endocrine system, but also of everyone who wants to eat healthy.
For thyroid problems, it is good to limit the consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. They prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing iodine.
However, gluten foods are downright dangerous for this gland. They should be severely limited and better, they shouldn't be consumed at all if there is a problem with the organ.
Foods good for the thyroid gland

Vitamin D, iodine and zinc are especially important for thyroid health, so foods that contain them in higher doses are among the favorites. Milk and yogurt, eggs, chicken and beef can be noted among them. Iodized table salt is also mandatory. Other healthy foods for the thyroid gland are:
Due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, fish reduces bad cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the heart. It is an excellent source of elements important for the thyroid gland such as selenium and iodine. The best choice is fatty fish - salmon, mackerel, sardine, trout.
Selenium is in high levels in potatoes, so this vegetable is suitable for inclusion in the diet.
Iodine is abundant in seaweed, but it also contains fiber, calcium and vitamins.
Walnuts and hazelnuts
The selenium and zinc in these nuts makes them a good alternative to snacks between main meals. A handful of them will satiate not only hunger, but also provide valuable substances for the thyroid gland.
Diet is among the simplest yet effective methods of controlling acute and chronic conditions of the gland. There are cases when the nutritional diet is effective enough to not require additional medication.