Goji Berry

Dried Goji Berries

One of the secrets of Asian longevity comes from the Tibetan Himalayas and northern China – the Goji Berry. Those little red berries have been appreciated for quite a long time worldwide.

Goji Berry, or Lycium is the fruit of Lycium Barbarum or Chinense Lycium. Represents an Asian plant of the Solanacea family. The name "goji" comes from the Chinese gouqizi. Even in ancient China, the Goji berry is highly appreciated and used in traditional medicine because of its valuable components and benefits on human health.

Except as Lycium, these beneficial fruits are known as wolfberry. They are characterized by sweet taste and are neutral in nature. The best quality fruits come from the Tibetan Himalayas and northern China. Cultivation and distribution of Goji berry has long been converted into an industry because it is certain that the fruits of Goji Berry treat and prevent many medical conditions and diseases. That is why it has more and more fans worldwide.

It is believed that Goji berry comes from over 600 years Ninxia, near the fertile lands of the Yellow River. It was here that the best quality in all of China Goji berry grows, that’s why they have titled "red diamonds". Even today, traditional Chinese healers use the fruit from this region with healing purpose. In the region of Lycia, the Yellow River is deeply rooted in tradition and the culture of the locals. In honor of the miracle fruits lavish festivals are held annually for them.

Goji Berry

Goji berries are actually very delicate small fruits, so picking them is done very carefully - only done by hand so as not to hurt the finest films of the "red diamonds". It is best to eat fresh them, but due to the fragility and small shelf life fresh, Goji berries are dried in the sun or often subjected to mechanical dehydration with heat flow. At high altitudes Goji grow freely under natural conditions.

Notable are two types - the Tibetan or Himalayan Goji Berry, according to the geographical area in which they grow. Moreover, with time they got and a lot of other interesting nicknames like "pleasure seeker", "fruit Viagra "and" sculptor of cellulite". It has been shown that Goji Berries effectively deal with these problems.

Composition and nutrients in Goji Berries

The recommended daily consumption of Goji berry is about 30 grams. With this minimum, however, our bodies procure more vitamin C than in oranges, more beta carotene than carrots and more iron than a portion of red meat. Goji berries are virtually vitamin bombs, with minerals and antioxidants.

They contain B vitamins and antioxidants that prevent the damaging effects of free radicals that damage cells in our body and cause aging. Generous content of polysaccharides promotes immune function. Goji Berries contain 18 kinds of amino acids and potassium.

The most common types of Lycia include: 6 essential vitamins, 11 essential elements, 22 minerals, 18 amino acids, 8 polysaccharides, 6 monosaccharides, 5 unsaturated fatty acids (linonenola and alpha-linolenic acid, beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols), 5 Carotenoids incl. beta carotene, lutein and many phenolic pigments (antioxidants).

Most Goji berries have a lot of calcium - 112 mg./100 g potassium - 1130 mg./100 g iron - 9 mg./100 g Zn 2 mg./100 g, Selenium - 50 mkg./100 d, riboflavin - 1.3 mg./100 g, Vitamin C - between 29 and 148 mg./100 g and others. In 100 grams of Goji berries, many phytochemicals are found: 7 mg beta carotene, 200 mg of Zeaxanthin and 31% by weight of pulp polysaccharides.

Selection and storage of Goji Berries

If you come across fresh and undamaged fruits, do not hesitate and grab them immediately. A fresh Goji Berry offers most benefits to your body. Unfortunately, due to high demand for them and the fact that they have a soft outer skin, which makes them very perishable, it is almost impossible to come across fresh fruit.

There is an established industry worth billions dealing in growing, storing, processing, packaging and distribution of a Goji Berry. Today, we can commercially find most fruits packed in a transparent container. Sold in dried form in kiosks is Goji berry juice extract, etc. The price of the Goji Berries remains relatively expensive - for 100 g of fruit, you will have to pay about 7 Dollars at kiosks. However, online shops offer attractive offers, such as 10 Dollars for 250 d of Goji Berries.

Culinary use of Goji Berries

The culinary use of Goji berries can find lot dimensions, yet alone eaten fresh, the "red diamonds" are most valuable. In addition to eating raw, the Goji berry is consumed in the form of juice and even wine, brewed as a tea or prepared as a tincture. You can combine Goji Berries with muesli, oatmeal, yogurt, put them in a salad, cakes, creams, biscuits and desserts from the meal.

Goji Berry

Benefits of Goji Berries

A Chinese legend, said a person lived 252 years because every day they had eaten Goji Berries. Whether true or not, remains a mystery, but the little "happy berries" are a great aid to the health of a person. They help maintain your youthful skin, take preventive measures against cardiovascular problems and help to strengthen the immune system.

An excellent adaptogen, the Goji Berry strengthens the body and helps it to cope better under stress. Also proven is that these Asian berries are a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, you can use the Goji Berry fruits to protect you against a fall in the level of white blood cells and increase the effect of therapy.

They can protect your skin from sunburn, and the large amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants are loyal assistant to look beautiful and healthy body inside.

It is believed that Goji Berries positively affect metabolism, cleanse the body and help to reduce weight. Legend of the 252-year-old Chinese man may be true, since today Lycia is believed to prolong life.

Goji berry helps with asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and many allergies. There are many beneficial effects in unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, fatigue, ringing in the ears.

Typical Chinese traditional medicinal tea, is made from the leaf and bark of the roots. It has the ability to inhibit the action of human pathogenic bacteria and fungi. There are studies that are certain 100% that regular consumption of Goji berry can improve libido in men and bring them good confidence as lovers.

Dangers of Goji Berries

There are some risks to the consumption of Goji Berries. If you are sensitive to plants of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), which includes potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, it is better to avoid eating the otherwise beneficial fruits. If you are prone to diarrhea, gas and bloating, or your current situation is such that is not good to take fruit from the Lycia variety.


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