If you've never had the opportunity to try the unusual fruit known as the Inca berry, you simply must. Inca berry, also known as Physalis peruviana, is among the tastiest superfoods you'll ever find.
In essence, Inca berry is an annual plant from the nightshades family. It can grow up to anywhere between 15 3/4″ (40 cm) and 9.8 ft (3 m), its fruits are orange-colored, wrapped in a pod formed from the dried flowers. It's important to note that the flowers are poisonous.
Physalis peruviana grows well even in soils that are poorer in minerals and humus, it loves being generously watered during growth and drier soil while its fruits are forming. In case you're more of consumer than a passionate gardener, you can easily purchase them instead. And here's why you simply have to delight your body with these fruits...
They possess a sweet-and-sour taste, often described as something between a tomato and pineapple. However, it is not the taste but the powerful and enticing aroma that is the fruit's main strong point.
Inca berry is a fruit valued since ancient times, falling into the modern-day list of superfoods and distinguished by its unique taste and high content of phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B12, proteins and bioflavonoids. These tiny golden fruits are often preferred by vegans, vegetarians and those interested in healthy eating.

Physalis peruviana is a potent antioxidant, it has a calming effect due to the high quantity of flavonoids, helps to purify the blood and has an antiseptic action. It's exceptionally good for children, as it is a very strong immunostimulant and has antiviral effects. Studies are now being done to prove that Inca berry can combat certain cancers.
The dried fruits are quite common in the culinary world and can be included in various cakes, muffins, biscuits and other delightful desserts. The fresh fruits of Inca berry can be used to prepare various types of jams and jellies. As far as the leaves of the fruit, they are perfect for brewing up a cup of aromatic tea.