
peaches inside

In China, where they come from, peaches have mystical significance and predict luck, wealth and protection. Initially, they were grown in North China in grassy areas.

Peaches are a symbol of fertility and love. They are reproduced in porcelain and many verses sing about them. Cakes shaped like peaches are prepared especially for birthdays. Even the wood of the peach trees is made into amulets.

Today, brides in Japan and China carry peach wrists and peach colors used to celebrate the New Year. Once discovered, these wild Chinese peaches were widespread and grown in many varieties.

The Romans called peaches "Persian apples", this name comes from the fact that Persia is the country that brought peaches to the West. France makes peaches in all their varieties and gives them names of female fruits, peaches and their association to women exists today, most, perhaps led by their beauty.

many peaches

Among the named varieties are Belle de Vitry, Teton kid and Venus or "grain of Venus". Although China ranks first in growing peaches, the French discovered this method alone, and producers of the Montroil, suburb of Paris, say that they have a secret to growing the best peaches. Louis XIV loved peaches so much that he gave a pension to the old man who brought him peaches.

There are two main types of peaches. One is the peach with a detachable hard pip. The other kind is peach, which is easily pitted. When choosing peaches, ignore their red parts, and the part near the stem.

Composition of peaches

cut peach

Peaches have a very large amount of vitamin C. A peach contains as much as 90% of the daily requirement of this vitamin. Peaches are rich in copper, iron and carotene. They contain large amounts of sugars, including sucrose. The amount of pectin in peaches depends on their degree of maturity - the amount of pectin in green is two times less than in mature peaches.

Peaches are sources of vitamin A, C and E. They are a good source of power. They contain many phytochemicals that act as antioxidants that clean the body from free radicals. Phyto chemicals are dangerous to healthy skin and can be discharged from the body through exposure to sunlight. Eat five peaches day.

100 g of peaches contain 1 g protein, 39 calories, 8 g carbohydrates, 89g water, 0 g fat.

Peach kernels contain bitter butter, vitamin B and many essential oils that are used in the medicine and food industries.

Selection and storage of peaches

Peaches are sensitive fruits. They are easily hurt and should be stored carefully. If they are ripe, store them in a paper bag, but do not locate them one with another, as they can be hurt. If they are ripe, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week, depending on how ripe. To be very juicy, you should keep them at room temperature and enjoy the aroma and taste simultaneously.

peaches in jars

Because of the speed with which they are picked canned, peaches are fresh and through them, you can feel the taste of summer, enjoying fresh peaches throughout the year. Only buy peaches that meet strict criteria and have great agricultural production. Today, canned peaches can be stored in water, juice, syrup. Peaches are available in very sweet syrup, having more sugar and calories.

To peel peaches, put some in a wire basket – the kind used for frying and dip them in a very large amount of boiling water. Leave peaches in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Remove them and put them in cold water. The blanched peaches are ready to be peeled.

peach pie

Peaches and cooking

Peaches are one of the most delicious and popular fruits, because they are widely used in cooking and in particular - Confectionery. They are used as decorations in many cakes and sweets, they are in a lot creams, jams, marmalades. Peach can be eaten fresh, oven baked with honey, with cream or in fruit salad, combined with other fruits.

Lovers of exotic cuisine can combine peaches with ham or cold roast chicken. Tasty and quick cream can be made with cottage cheese, yogurt, vanilla, gelatin and pureed peaches.

Benefits of peaches

Peaches are high in minerals, fiber and aromatic substances that contribute to the release of more gastric juices, improving the processes of digestion.


Fresh peaches are particularly suitable for improving intestinal function, acting positively on the gallbladder and liver. They are very useful for stimulating appetite and constipation.

Since peaches are high in potassium, they are good for the heart’s functions and their strong diuretic effect makes them an integral part of diets, in order to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Peaches are useful in anemia because of their high iron content. The Lycopene and Lutein in them help boost eyesight. They lower cholesterol and prevent the development of cancer.

It is believed that peaches are good for gout, kidney patients, rheumatism and prevent decay processes in the digestive tract.

Peaches tend to excite the nervous system, and the magnesium in them improves emotional balance and reduces stress. They act as a tonic and an aphrodisiac.

Dangers of peaches

People with a known allergy to peaches should not eat them because there is a real health risk for them. Peaches are a fruit suitable for people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, increased acidity in the stomach or frequent diarrhea.

Applications of peaches

Peaches are the perfect fruit for diets. They are very low-calorie - containing 44 kcal in 100 g. Eating peaches 4 times a day not only helps in weight loss, but also enriches the meal with a number of nutrients.

Peaches contain elements that tend to retain moisture in the skin. Thus they add freshness to the face and prevent wrinkles. Peaches are found in the composition of many cosmetic products for that reason. Peach fruit acids remove dead cells and brighten skin tone.


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