What are the best aphrodisiacs among foods? If you search the dictionaries for the word arfodisiac, you will find the following explanation: a substance that stimulates the sexual appetite. People have known about these natural products that awaken the senses, excite the senses and stimulate the libido since ancient times, when they used them consciously in the hope of enjoying a love life as intensely as possible. The term aphrodisiac comes from the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite, who drives people crazy with passion and desire.
Since then, not much has changed with regard to aphrodisiacs, as people still use such foods that stimulate eroticism. And although scientist have conflicting opinions on the subject, many couples use aphrodisiacs in their love game.
Some foods increase sexual desire by increasing the amount of blood circulating to the genitals and thus creating an increased state of sexual arousal and better performance in the bedroom, or others have been shown to increase secretion of the male and female hormones, while others improve the state of mind or stimulate sperm production. There are many aphrodisiac foods like that, but here we will focus only on some of those, which are most often at hand:
Surprisingly or not, there are foods that have a beneficial effect on the intimate part of life. The action comes from the effect of these foods on hormones, stress levels, energy and brain activity. Add some of the products to your romantic dinner and the miracle will work for you. Here are the best aphrodisiac foods:

Researchers claim that watermelon has a similar effect as the Viagra pill. Consumption of this fruit helps to relax blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Prepare sorbets, vegan ice creams, fruit salads with this fruit more often.
Bananas contain a large amount of magnesium, potassium and vitamin B. As a result, the male libido increases. They also have a number of healing properties. Banana cake, banana muffins or egg-free cream can be made very easily with the fruit.
Asparagus is also a strong aphrodisiac - extremely rich in fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine and folic acid. Folic acid, in turn, promotes the production of histamine, which leads to orgasm. Try grilled asparagus or include them in a vegetable platter.

It is no secret that oysters have long been associated with increased libido. Sperm production is increased due to the large amount of zinc contained in them.
The ancient Greeks believed, that the aroma of almonds aroused women. They contain a lot of magnesium, fiber and vitamin E. They are also very tasty and you can include them in almond biscuits, soft biscuits, gluten-free cakes, vegan pancakes.
The next aphrodisiac is basil. Despite its widespread use, so far no one has considered it an aphrodisiac, but it can actually stimulate your body. Season with basil your favorite pesto, Italian bread, Margarita pizza, spaghetti with minced meat.

Chocolate is the king of natural aphrodisiacs and contains anandamine and phenylethylamine. The cocoa contained in chocolate contains tryptophan, which is important for serotonin, which in turn helps you relax. For more passion in bed, eat chocolate ice cream, chocolate cakes and chocolate pastries.
The avocado was also called "testicular tree" by the Aztecs because of its pear-shaped shape. It is rich in folic acid and potassium. Avocado boosts the metabolism by working against tumors and cancers and improves the immune system. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and psyche. Include it in a quesadilla, burrito and all sorts of delicious Mexican recipes.
Garlic is known for its antibacterial effect and specific odor. Regular consumption of garlic is good for blood pressure, it also increases blood flow and contributes to faster arousal.
Figs have been considered since ancient times to be associated with love and fertility. Figs were also Cleopatra's favorite food. Fig jam, fig sponge cake and fig cake is all you need.

The content of boron in honey contributes to the production of the female hormone estrogen. Honey is rich in B vitamins, which help testosterone, which is necessary for the body. Honey in combination with walnuts helps to increase potency. Honey cookies, goat cheese with honey, honey with lalangia will make your experience with your person sweet.
Chili is obviously one of those aphrodisiac foods, which have a role in releasing the endorphins responsible for the sensation of pleasure. Capsaicin, the substance responsible for the sensation of heat, stimulates nerve endings and speeds up the pulse, so the release of endorphins is easier during intercourse.
Thyme is considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs. It is one of the plants that ancient monks did not have the right to plant in their gardens, because it was considered a plant of love and hot sex. For this purpose it is most often used in the following way: a handful of fresh or dried thyme leaves are put in a liter of boiled water, which is consumed sweetened - 2-3 glasses a day, plus one at bedtime.

Celery is a traditional food used to maintain and restore sexual potency and it is also known as the vegetable of wisdom. Studies even show that this vitamin-rich plant has a great effect on fertility. Fresh or in various combinations or preparations, celery stimulates the libido and is used to increase potency. You can add it to healthy soups, vitamin salads, vegan smoothies.
Cloves are also not only among the fragrant plants with explosive taste, extremely valuable from a culinary, medicinal and nutritional point of view, but also among those that stimulate masculinity. Cloves are used to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, but also to treat vaginal problems.
One of the most surprising aphrodisiac foods is sauerkraut. Although the thought of it is rather repulsive to many, research shows, that it has the ability to increase the libido. Sauerkraut, as you know, is widely used in combinations like pork with sauerkraut, beans with sauerkraut, potatoes with sauerkraut.
The caffeine in coffee stimulates the heart rate. A new study on mice has shown that a cup of coffee can increase women's sexual appetite.
Cherries are also aphrodisiacs among food. They can make you slightly dizzy, which contributes to a more sensual experience in the bedroom.