»Articles»Useful Advice»10 Healthiest Sweet Products

10 Healthiest Sweet Products

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
10 Healthiest Sweet Products

This will be one of the sweetest and most helpful articles you will read in a while.

Listed below are healthy foods that will satiate the sweet tooth that is haunting you constantly. Eat them without much guilt, but with one thing in mind - because still, although healthy, they are high in calories.

Dark Chocolate

We will have to forget about the amazing taste of milk chocolate and fall in love with the bitter one. It has few calories, but many other useful substances such as antioxidants, flavonoids (take care of capillaries and have a sedative effect), calcium, proteins, iron, magnesium and vitamins.


Far fewer calories than most sweets. Meringues contain a lot of iron and phosphorus, as well as proteins that strengthen muscle tissue.


pestil is healthy

In reasonable quantities pestil can be eaten without fear for the figure. Like marmalade, it reduces the negative effects of radiation and removes salts of heavy metals from the body.


Healthy above all because of the natural component - pectin, which gives it a jelly-like shape. Pectin reduces cholesterol levels, removes toxins and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Plus it doesn't have that many calories!



Contains as many calories as sugar. However, honey is much sweeter and therefore you need less of it, for example, if you are used to putting 2 tablespoons of sugar in your tea and then replacing it with honey, you can get away with one. In addition, honey contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for the body. 100 g of honey contains the daily requirement of magnesium, manganese and iron.


Halva is not only extremely tasty, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Vitamins A, E and group B in the composition of halva have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and also strengthen the cardiovascular system. It's no secret that halva has been used for cosmetic purposes since ancient times.

Candied fruits

healthy sweet products

A natural product that contains many valuable antioxidant vitamins: beta-carotene, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Candied fruits improve memory, help better concentration, relieve fatigue, help keep nerves under control. At the same time, they are healthy and low-calorie.

No boil jam

Storehouse for vitamins and minerals. However, in order to preserve its beneficial properties, it cannot be prepared according to "grandmother's recipe". You need to boil a five-minute jam or cold jam. Raspberry jam, quinces, dogwood and walnuts are rightfully considered the most healthy.

Cane sugar

healthy sweet foods

As early as 20 years ago, Western nutritionists announced that brown cane sugar is much healthier than classic refined white sugar. Subject to minimal industrial processing, cane sugar is good for the body, because thanks to molasses it contains a whole range of useful microelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium).

Fruits and berries

They contain many vitamins, trace elements, mineral salts and antioxidants necessary for our health and longevity. Fruits and berries are very nutritious because they contain a lot of organic acids, essential oils, proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, pectin and fibers. Since ancient times, they have been valued for their healing properties. For those who want to lose weight, fiber from fruits and berries are the best helper.



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