The olive tree is the oldest known cultivated tree in the history of mankind. Nowadays, in stores you can find absolutely all kinds of olive products, olive pâté and what not, created on the basis of olives.
Delicious olives contain many vitamins from the B group (the main assistant of our brain and nervous system), vitamin A (necessary for maintaining vision), vitamin D (for healthy bones and teeth), vitamin E (protection from the harmful effects of the environment and prevents cardiovascular diseases, premature aging and malignant tumors).
But still, the most important thing in olives is olive oil, the content of which in the fruit varies from 50 to 80%. It is a unique product, very rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for lowering the level of bad cholesterol. The components of this oil protect the cardiovascular system and are used to prevent atherosclerosis.
Since they improves digestion and stimulate the appetite, olives are often served as an appetizer. It is good to know that if a person eats 10 olives a day, they will prevent the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
It has been proven that olives neutralize all toxic wastes that enter the body and are therefore considered an ideal complement to all types of alcohol.

Thanks to the linoleic acid they contain, olives and olive oil are the healthiest food for newborn babies and growing children. A lack of linoleic acid leads to developmental delays during early childhood and to numerous skin diseases.
Extra virgin olive oil is closest to the olive itself in terms of beneficial properties and is currently the richest in nutritional content. Some olive oils of this type are often described as cold-pressed, which suggests that they were extracted without any heat treatment and are not refined.
According to a study that covered five European countries, two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day can lead to significant health improvements in a very short time (three weeks).
Many scientists and nutritionists now recommend consuming this amount of the golden liquid. However, there is no need to take them as medicine when they can be added to food to flavor it.
Find out how to make olives in brine, how to dry olives at home and how to make olives less salty.