Think of these foods as Peter Pan's little secret. We've discovered the fountain of youth—and it's in your kitchen.
Although scientists have not yet figured out how to reverse the aging process, they have discovered how we can live longer and look younger. And the secret is in our food.
Foods high in antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties and nutrients that help break down fat, can prevent all kinds of disease, including obesity and reset your metabolic clock.
To maintain a fast metabolism and your weight in check, include in your diet these healthy foods we've collected in the gallery above. There are as many as 18 of them - have the patience to look at them all and above all to remember them, because they are sources of health.
These juicy blue berries are rich in antioxidants called flavonoids and specifically anthocyanins, which fight free radicals and inflammation. In fact, research shows that chronic metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are the results of chronic inflammation. So, eating blueberries can help you fight chronic inflammation and keep your metabolism running smoothly;

Green tea
Green tea is a good option to speed up your metabolism, especially if you are on a weight loss diet. This is because it contains a natural compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). According to numerous studies, this substance deactivates oxidants in the body before they damage cells. Studies show that the high EGCG and polyphenol content in green tea makes it a powerful anti-inflammatory, so drink it regularly and enjoy the results;

Dark chocolate
If you need something sweet, definitely get a chocolate with 70% or more than 70% cocoa. Heart-healthy dark chocolate helps get rid of excess weight, helps maintain lower blood sugar and even fights various chronic inflammations;
Thanks to the important antioxidant contained in turmeric, curcumin, the exotic spice is distinguished by its bright amber color and downright magical anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to keeping the body young and boosting metabolism, turmeric is a powerful ally in fighting the effects of liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis;

If you've ever tried a variety of beetroot smoothies, you'll surely agree that this crimson-colored root vegetable is a gift from Mother Nature. Beetroots are not only rich in betaine, but also a host of other beneficial nutrients that help fight inflammation and boost your metabolism, as well as to improve your mood;
Eggs are full of protein, which help build lean muscle mass and also keep your metabolism running high. Although the egg white is full of micro- and macronutrients useful for cell development, don't neglect the yolk either! The yolk of the egg contains, in addition to vitamin D, which strengthens health and has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as choline, which supports the breakdown of excess fats;
Limiting the high levels of stress we are often bombarded with is also a good anti-aging method. That's why slow-releasing carbohydrates like those found in muesli are ideal for stabilizing your blood sugar and are also rich in the mood-boosting vitamin B6;

Olive oil
Because of its high phenolic content, just two tablespoons of olive oil a day can significantly lower systolic blood pressure in less than a month. In addition, hundreds of studies have shown that people who consume olive oil daily enjoy higher levels of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, than people who consume other types of fat. In fact, being happy and successfully dealing with stress is a great way to boost your metabolism;

Fish, salmon, seafood
The important Omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The human body cannot produce Omega-3 fatty acids on its own, so we must help it through the food we eat. Several types of food contain these vital ingredients. These are cold water fish /salmon, herring, mackerel/.
Unfortunately, omega-3s are sensitive to heat treatment and oxidize easily. This means, that fish, which is raw is healthy. If you do not like raw fish, heat treatment such as baking and boiling is preferable to frying;
A well-functioning gut flora is essential for fighting inflammation and keeping your metabolism in check, since probiotics help grow the beneficial bacteria that help break down food and can also help you lose those extra pounds. As if that wasn't impressive enough, scientists have found that consuming probiotic yogurt can reduce stress levels, especially for people with very busy lives;

These wonderfully delicious fruit are a source of more vitamin C than even oranges! And in addition to vitamin C being recommended in the fight against colds and flu, this powerful antioxidant has been shown to help people cope more successfully with stress. In fact, studies show that levels of cortisol (one of the hormones produced during stress) decrease rapidly for people who have more vitamin C in their diet;
Most nuts are high in magnesium, but pumpkin seeds and almonds stand out at the top in the rankings. Magnesium is essential in helping our body deal with stress. Lack of magnesium in our diet has adverse effects on our bodies, which include high blood pressure, insomnia, fatigue or loss of appetite - all of which are bad news for your metabolism. Nuts are also rich in selenium, tabacone (the amino acid needed to make serotonin) and omega-3 fatty acids, which help you look and feel better;

If you regularly fail to sleep, this is already a serious problem for your health. Research shows that people who are sleep-deprived have problems with blood sugar levels and are therefore are often hungrier than those who enjoy eight hours of sleep each night. When you're tired and sleep-deprived, your body can't regulate your blood sugar levels well enough, so it leads to the production of stress hormones and inflammatory free radicals. Research has found that people who drink a glass of cherry juice a day sleep much better than those who don't. Why is that? The high content of melatonin in cherries acts as a natural catalyst for restful sleep, which helps us fall asleep quickly;
Red peppers
Did you know that just one teaspoon of chopped red peppers contains over three times the recommended daily intake of vitamin C? This is great news for your metabolism, because this vitamin fights free radicals and stress hormones. The next time you feel stressed again, go for for these unique healthy vegetables;

Thanks to the high levels of potassium and magnesium, bananas help people with insomnia fall asleep faster and more soundly. And better sleep equals better metabolism;
Think of this vegetable as your new best friend. It is a unique vegetable containing tryptophan, folic acid, magnesium and vitamins B6 and C, which are vital for the synthesis of serotonin and subsequently melatonin - all compounds essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism. Spinach also contains the amino acid glutamine, which helps the body get rid of toxins quickly. It is best to eat Popeye the Sailor's favorite food raw, in the form of healthy salads and smoothies, so that the beneficial nutrients are not degraded in the heat treatment process;
Low-fat cottage cheese
It's the perfect food for anyone looking to build strong muscle mass and supercharge their workouts (cottage cheese is low in fat and high in protein), but it also contains casein protein, a slow-release milk protein that will reduce flare-ups of starvation, while you follow your weight loss diet. Mix some cottage cheese and pure herbal honey for a quick but tasty and super healthy breakfast;

If you are one of those people who prefer to peel apples before consumption, you should know that with the peels you also throw away part of the useful pectin, which is a really good friend of the metabolism - pectin contains natural fruit fibers, that help the beneficial bacteria Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus to develop normally in the human body (according to a study published in the journal Anaerobe). Each apple peel contains approximately 10 mg of the anti-inflammatory antioxidant quercetin, which is sure to turn your metabolism into a real powerful and fast beast.