Diet is not only important, but also crucial to health. The saying, that we are what we eat is completely true. This understanding is not a new discovery, even in ancient China they equated food and medicine and argued, that the doctor should prescribe medicine only when food does not give the expected results.
If the dishes that satisfy hunger have the potential to heal, the opposite is true - they also have the power to make you sick. Therefore, food and health are interrelated and one predetermines the other.
Healthy eating is the ability to follow a diet based on a rational and balanced menu rich in essential nutrients. Food must exclude any chemical, biological or other factors, that may lead to disorders of human organs and systems.
The special healing diet is a diet that is prescribed after the disease has been diagnosed. It is strictly specific and all foods, spices and their quantities depend on the nature of the disease. General rules for healthy eating often do not apply, because each disease has its own characteristics and the menu is subject to the requirements imposed by them. Properly selected diet and its observance helps to alleviate the severity of the disease, reduces the risk of complications and crises and helps to cure faster.
Unhealthy diet and its effects on the body
Unhealthy food is one that lacks important nutrients, replaced by addictive products with harmful effects. They cause an imbalance in the body, sometimes due to the lack of some nutrients, other times due to excessive intake of some of them. The result is eating disorders that lead to all sorts of diseases.
When food does not provide the body with enough protein, then the body loses weight, hormonal disorders occur, organs or entire systems are damaged, especially the digestive system. Excessive levels of protein burden the excretory system, lead to the accumulation of toxins and increase the risk of cancer.
When food is low in fat, it leads to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. This is very dangerous in young children, because it causes abnormalities in proper development, causes stunted growth, dermatitis and others. Excessive fat intake causes obesity, the development of diabetes, high blood pressure at an early age, as well as heart disease, cancer and others.
If the diet does not provide enough carbohydrates, toxins accumulate in the body, which first damages the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive carbohydrates lead to obesity, diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Deficiencies of various elements that the body is unable to obtain from food due to improper nutrition are very relevant - iron deficiency and anemia that goes with it. Calcium deficiency, which leads to the development of osteoporosis, zinc deficiency, which creates weaknesses in immunity and many others.
How to deal with unhealthy eating?
Be consistent
Chaotic eating, taken at different times each time, with intervals that are too long or too short in between, is the surest step to losing your good figure and/or upset stomach. Your body needs a rhythm in food intake, a rhythm that allows it to absorb previously consumed and convert them into energy. If you munch on something all the time (like snacks, popcorn, crackers, saltines) without letting your stomach have a break, you're not letting it digest properly. On the other hand, if we eat infrequently, it will tend to slow down its metabolic processes and will store some of what is obtained in fat deposits.
Don't eat just before bed
If the main meal of the day is in the evening, probably before bed, three things will happen:
- You will be deprived of energy the day before meals;
- You will sleep poorly after this unhealthy way of eating;
- You will gain weight.
Here are three things you certainly don't want, because over time they will have a bad effect your whole body. Experts recommend eating a light dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Limit french fries
French fries are one of the biggest enemies of your figure and a key component of an unhealthy diet, as they include a lot of fat that you don't really need, but still get into your body. Stop their consumption and opt for oven-baked potatoes. It's simpler than it looks! Sausages, meatballs, potatoes with cheese and many other dishes that you like can be easily baked in the oven and have a similar taste and a huge advantages in terms of health. Maybe even prepare potatoes in air fryer where less oil is used.
Don't combine all types of food
It's not just what you eat that matters, but how you combine these foods. Combining the wrong foods is also part of an unhealthy diet. For example, fruit ferment, so they should be eaten during the first part of the day and without eating them with anything else. In particular, do not mix fruit with animal foods or meat with starchy foods such as potatoes. It is not a good idea to also combine a delicious pizza with potato salad or spaghetti with several types of meat.
Avoid over-sweetening foods
Sometimes mothers, in order to convince their children eat food, sweeten desserts too much, creating a real dependence of the little ones with the sweet taste. And the habit, once acquired, will be maintained over the years. This is how unhealthy eating in children appears.
Be careful with salt

Did you know that you should avoid too much salt? Unfortunately, it is not enough to avoid excessive salt consumption, because it is often added to pre-packaged foods you buy without carefully reading the label. Many types of spices on the market, for example, manage to flavor your food with the price of some preservatives and salt content that you are not aware of. Read the labels carefully and it's better to prepare and put in the freezer, for example, your own mix for a favorite soup or vegetable stew.
Don't skip breakfast
It is not in vain that breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day: it is true. It provides you with energy, helps you stop overeating in the late evening, creates a state of balance, helps you focus better. If you feel that you can't eat anything in the morning, start making a habit of puree breakfast.
Replace juices with various healthier options
Carbonated juices do not help you at all, because they do not contain any nutrients. They are a prerequisite for unhealthy eating. If the water does not satisfy you and you need something with additional flavor, replace it with homemade lemonades, ginger tea, enzymatic water, dietary smoothies diluted with water or natural herbal teas and homemade iced tea. The options are many and healthy.
Include fiber in your regular diet
Fiber works wonders for your digestion and should not be consumed only by those who want to lose weight, but also by anyone who wants to have a good digestion. Do not avoid cereals, even if you are trying to lose weight, they are one of the most important sources of fiber and are suitable for both breakfast and light main meals. Sources of fiber can be found in dishes such as broccoli with yellow cheese, peas, stew with beans, lentils, chia, avocado salads, raspberry creams, strawberry desserts.
Listen to your body
The key to healthy eating is not most of the time in a set of rules written on paper, but in habits created over time. Your body will tell you what is good for it and what is not, if you are careful and listen to it, you can interpret its signals.
As you can see, the consequences of eating unhealthily are very serious. But there is a way to avoid them by sticking to a healthy diet.