»Articles»Useful Advice»The Benefit of Eating Raw Food

The Benefit of Eating Raw Food

Nina NordNina Nord
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Eating Raw Food

Our ancestors ate raw foods and that allowed them to survive, but how willing would modern humans be to eat raw foods?

Raw food is beneficial and healthy, but it is strictly subjective and depends on the individual. Raw food eaters rarely get sick and deal with illnesses quickly.

Cardiovascular disease and many other serious diseases are very rare for people who emphasize raw foods, because their bodies are protected.

In fresh raw products such as cabbage, salad, yellow and red fruit and in garlic, all the antioxidants and active substances that are destroyed by heat treatment are preserved.

The stomach works like clockwork when a person eats raw products. The dietary fiber found in raw fruit and vegetables relieves constipation and hemorrhoids.

In kidney diseases, rheumatism and skin diseases raw food is beneficial, because the water exchange is normal and hypertension is alleviated due to the reduction of salt in the food.

The Benefit of Eating Raw Food

Walnuts and other types of nuts are quite high in calories, but if you eat a handful of nuts instead of a normal portion of food, you will be full for several hours and the body will not waste energy on digesting heavy food.

When eating raw food, teeth and gums become healthier, bad breath disappears and the color of the face looks fresh. Raw food has no contraindications, but the products must be consumed correctly.

Legumes cannot be eaten raw because they can form toxins. Raw carrots are useful only in combination with fat, because otherwise the body has no way to absorb vitamin A, which is contained in the orange vegetable.

Spinach contains many acids that interfere with the absorption of calcium, so you should not eat this vegetable raw, but scald it lightly with boiling water.

Young children and the elderly should not be fed only raw foods. It is believed that it is healthy to consume sixty percent of the products raw and forty - thermally processed.

Sprouts are one of the most healthy products preferred in raw food diets. If you are going to emphasize raw products, drink pure mineral water, freshly squeezed juices and sweeten them with honey.

When you're hungry, instead of eating dessert, try replacing it with raw fruit or a fresh vegetable salad seasoned with lemon and olive oil.

If you want to switch to a raw food diet, exclude coffee, black tea and alcohol from your menu, as well as pastries, candy and semi-cooked products.
