DietsWhat to Eat During a Fasting Diet?
23 Feb.
Viktoria Neikova
DietsBasic Principles of Food Combinations
19 Nov.
Iliana Angelova
DietsGreen Tea and Weight Loss
21 Oct.
With a Chocolate Diet You Lose a Kilo a DayThe chocolate diet is among the fastest ways to lose weight. One kilogram per day is lost, during which time one hundred grams of chocolate is consumed. The consumption of sugar and salt is excluded.
08 Aug.
Gluten-Free DietThe new fad spreading around the world is the gluten-free diet. Some scientists claim that avoiding products with gluten reduces oxidative processes in cells.
06 July
Cucumber and Tomato DietWith the cucumber and tomato diet you can achieve the unique and fit body you have always dreamed of. Its duration is one month.
21 May
Grapefruit Diet That Helps You Lose 5kg In 12 DaysGrapefruit is known to successfully help with weight loss and is often present in diets.
11 May
Get Your Loose Stomach In Shape Quickly With This One-Day DietA one-day diet will help you get rid of toxins from your body and reduce the circumference of your stomach. All you have to do is strictly follow this diet for 12-14 hours. Here is what this easy diet is based on, which everyone is happy with afterwards.
08 May
Dairy Diet Burns 5 kg in a WeekThe dairy diet is a test of will, but the end result is impressive. This diet is quite strict, with an emphasis entirely on milk.
24 Apr.
Why Do We Gain Weight In The Abdominal Area?People gain weight in the abdomen for many reasons - some of which you are able to change. Even the most trained among you often dream of a six pack.
24 Apr.
Minus 5 kg in 5 DaysIt has happened to everyone - 5 days before the awaited summer vacation, you remember those 5 extra pounds that you have gained in the winter months.
20 Apr.
Lose 10 kg In One Week With This Egg DietEggs are a common product in a diet. By consuming them you not only supply your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also remove the toxins.
20 Apr.
Egg Diet - Helps You Lose 5kg In A WeekThe so-called egg diet will help you get rid of the kilograms you have accumulated and at the same time will not make you feel constantly hungry.
02 Apr.
The Diet That WorksDetoxification of the human body is very important. In the 21st century, people eat what is in the store and very few of us still think about what we eat and drink every day.
02 Apr.
Protein Diet - What We Need to KnowDiets and especially the way of eating are one of the main components for a healthy body and a good appearance. Protein diet - what should we know?
29 Mar.
Eating Less Carbs Will Help You Lose WeightReducing the amount of carbohydrates you eat is one of the best ways to lose weight. This will reduce your appetite and trigger automatic weight loss.
25 Mar.
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