»Articles»Diets»Minus 5 kg in 5 Days

Minus 5 kg in 5 Days

Plamena M.Plamena M.
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

Table of Contents:

5-day diet

It has happened to everyone - 5 days before the awaited summer vacation, you remember those 5 extra pounds that you have gained in the winter months.

The mission to look amazing on the beach with super sexy swimsuits in just 5 days is no longer impossible.

The 5-day diet, that we are talking about, helps you lose 4-5 kilograms in a short time. It is quite quick and accurate, which is why in any case it should not be done constantly or just because - by the way.

With this type of regime the body is stressed to the maximum and therefore it is very important to have 100% good health when you perform it.

Day 1

Breakfast: coffee without sugar, 100 g low-fat white cheese, toasted slice of whole grain bread

Lunch: salad - tomatoes and cucumbers, 200 g of boiled or baked potatoes without fat

Dinner: 200 g of boiled rice with vegetables, a glass of milk

Day 2

Breakfast: coffee without sugar, 2 apples

Lunch: chicken steak, garnish - stewed carrots, a glass of milk

Dinner: salad - tomatoes and cucumbers, 3 boiled eggs

Day 3

Breakfast: coffee without sugar, 1 banana, a cup of yogurt

Lunch: green salad, 2 pcs. of toast whole grain bread, 7-8 olives

Dinner: salad - carrots, 200 g of baked white cheese

Day 4

Breakfast: coffee without sugar, a glass of milk

Lunch: stewed vegetables, of choice. You can also add a little butter.

Dinner: roasted fish, garnish - optional

Day 5

Breakfast: coffee without sugar, 2 boiled eggs

Lunch: chicken steak, garnish - 100 g of boiled rice

Dinner: boiled or baked potatoes, 100 g of cottage cheese

Throughout the diet, drinking at least a liter and a half of water a day is mandatory, so that you do not dehydrate the body. In case of fainting from hunger, between meals it is allowed to eat vegetables of your choice or toasted whole grain slice of bread, but not more than three a day.

weight loss

The diet is done for 5 days, no more, just so you don't exhaust your organism. It is also advisable during diet, not to overdo physical activities, as the calories consumed will be too little.


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