DietsWhat Happens to the Skin When Losing Weight?
10 Oct.
Iliana Angelova
DietsQuick and Efficient Egg Diet
06 Oct.
Albena Asenova-Piseva
Paleo Diet - What is it?For this diet, larger portions are allowed, since the main content of the meals are meat and vegetables. This diet goes well with exercise.
24 Sept.
Diet for Lazy LadiesA lazy diet helps you lose up to 4 kilograms in 6 months without any physical exertion and fitness. The diet excludes cutting calories with whole milk, eggs, soups and green tea.
29 Aug.
Sauerkraut DietThe main rule in this diet is to limit carbohydrates, especially sugar, because it is stored in the fat depots and turns into fat.
20 Aug.
Moon DietThe moon diet will help you lose three kilograms in just six days. The average daily calorie intake is 760 calories. This diet is periodic. It lasts for six days, but must be repeated at each full moon.
14 Aug.
Watermelon DietThe watermelon diet helps you lose weight quickly due to the elimination of excess fluids. However, this is also dangerous, because of the excretion of potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart.
19 July
Sample Menu for Food CombiningFood combining is a way of eating in which different products are consumed at certain intervals and are not mixed. best Best food combinations.
15 June
How to Reduce AppetiteIf you have a beastly appetite, to reduce it, nutritionists advise 10-15 minutes before the main meal to consume a glass of milk with rusk or a small slice of wholemeal bread. Tricks to kill appetite.
14 June
Mediterranean Diet for Good Health and ShapeEverything about the Mediterranean diet in one place. What are the most delicious dishes in the Mediterranean cuisine? Basic products in the Mediterranean diet. Sample menu for Mediterranean diet.
13 June
Fasting for HealingThe process of fasting allows the body to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins and waste products. Proven benefits of therapeutic fasting. If you can not fast, then regularly cook something tasty and lean.
06 June
Three Day Orange DietIf you need to quickly lose two or three extra kilograms in a short time, the orange diet may be your diet.
02 June
Balanced Diet for Permanent Weight LossHere is an example of a weekly balanced diet that is suitable even for people with diabetes.
17 May
Symptoms of Iron DeficiencyFind out what the most common symptoms of iron deficiency are and how to eat in this case. Iron deficiency is very dangerous. How do you know you are iron deficient?
11 May
Gallbladder DietWhen you find that you have a gallbladder disease, you still have the opportunity to avoid surgery. Gallbladder diseases can start mostly when we have an improper diet.
11 May
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