Losing extra weight is an aspiration of many people. When it comes to parting with a significant amount of excess mass, visible changes occur in the skin. It sags as it becomes redundant after melting away the fat it has been maintaining. Sometimes considerable muscle mass melts away with it.
In order to check if it really is sagging skin or if there is still fat left after significant weight loss, a simple test can be done. A part of the problem area of the skin is grabbed and lightly pinched. If the trapped tissue is thicker than 0.5-1 centimeter, it means that residual fat is present. Otherwise, a saggy skin problem has occurred.
How to prevent such an unpleasant consequence with significant weight loss?
Moderate and healthy weight loss - this means slowly losing weight without brutal starvation, but in parallel with strength training to preserve the muscles. Otherwise, the body loses both fat and muscle, and ultimately the loss of muscle deprives the body of internal support.
Then the skin has no choice but to sag shapelessly. A balanced diet combined with cardio and strength training will keep the body in the same condition, but without the fat.
Attention should be paid to the necessary nutritional supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are very much needed by the skin at this time. That can be provided through fish oil.
In order to maintain the elasticity of the skin on a weight loss diet, which keeps it from sagging, some dietary changes are necessary - getting enough protein to provide the necessary elasticity, hydrating the body heavily to keep the skin taut and fresh, quit smoking, which dries the skin.
A serious danger when losing significant mass is sagging skin, that does not respond to any attempts to retract these hanging areas. Then it is necessary to surgically remove these skin formations.
To avoid such drastic measures, it is good to carefully follow all possible steps to prevent the problem from occurring, instead of dealing with it afterwards.