Dieting with Health ProblemsDieting for high cholesterol
28 Nov.
DietsDiets without the yo-yo effect
28 Nov.
Vyara Kostadinova
For or against drastic weight lossDrastic diets are not a good idea. Almost everyone wants to lose weight in a week or two because a very important occasion appeared surprisingly.
27 Nov.
The Indian diet and its adviceIndian nutritionists still believe that diets for weight loss should be based on an understanding of the many factors that affect weight such as metabolic rate, age, gender, level of physical activity.
25 Nov.
Dieting with anorexiaThis increasingly common condition affects girls aged fourteen to twenty-one years. Hospitalization is often required if you have anorexia.
25 Nov.
Easy weight lossDiet has a huge impact on weight loss. Whatever method of weight loss you choose, be aware that there are two parts - diet and exercise.
24 Nov.
Weight Loss with saladsDiets with salads not only help weight loss, but also help in atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
24 Nov.
What are the most effective dietsThe most effective diets are those that are combined with appropriate and regular exercise. This is based on the fact that to begin to lose weight you just need to burn 500 calories more per day.
24 Nov.
Lose weight with nettleCommon nettle will help you quickly lose weight and keep your weight off. The most useful are the tips of the nettles, the tiny petals are full of nutrients that help fast weight loss in the body.
24 Nov.
Do antidepressants and other pills cause weight gain?When a person takes medicines for some diseases, they are often expected to gain weight. This happens in many cases.
24 Nov.
Lose weight with lemonsLemon is one of the most important elements in achieving your desired weight. Lemon juice stimulates the acceleration of your metabolism.
23 Nov.
Weight Loss for Thyroid hypofunctionMany patients with thyroid hypofunction are struggling with their inability to lose weight, a losing weight for them is a challenge.
22 Nov.
Nutrition for intestinal disordersEating for disorders in the intestine is designed to provide full normalization of your metabolism and help to restore the impaired bowel function. Nutrition for Stomach Disorders.
19 Nov.
Losing weight with organic productsLosing weight is a problem that plagues millions of people around the world. The most popular organic products have a miraculous effect in deliverance from being overweight.
19 Nov.
What are the most dangerous errors in dietsDiet failures are common. We experience disappointment when the diet does not work and we wonder why our weight does not drop.
19 Nov.
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