»Articles»Diets»Watermelon Diet

Watermelon Diet

Nina NordNina Nord
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Watermelon diet

Watermelon is suitable for weight loss, because it contains useful substances and at the same time is low in calories. The red part of the watermelon contains easily digestible carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B3, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and ninety percent water.

One hundred grams of watermelon contain thirty calories. The cellulose, which watermelon contains is beneficial for the proper functioning of the stomach and reduces harmful cholesterol.

Watermelon helps expel poisons and slags from the body, as well as small grains of sand and stones. Watermelon is a product, which neutralizes acid processes.

The essence of the watermelon diet is to eat only watermelon for five days. Eat one kilogram of watermelon for every ten kilograms of weight.

If you find it difficult, eat two or three slices of rye bread. After the five days strict diet switch to eating watermelon only at dinner.

Muesli or fruit is eaten for breakfast, fish or chicken with a salad of vegetables and a little white cheese for lunch. This watermelon diet is followed for ten days.

For fifteen days of the watermelon diet, you can lose ten pounds. The watermelon diet is well-tolerated by the body, it reduces excess weight at the expense of expelling excess fluids.

Weight loss with watermelon

The watermelon diet helps to normalize the metabolism. Watermelon diet can be followed by hypertensives, people who have allergies and liver diseases.

The danger of the watermelon diet lies in the strong diuretic effect of this fruit. With liquids, the body is deprived of a lot of sodium and potassium, which are important for the proper functioning of the heart.

Whether you're following a watermelon diet or simply enjoying the juicy summer fruit, regular consumption will transform you. The benefits of eating watermelon are numerous. Your skin will become smoother and more radiant. Regular consumption of watermelon will help you get rid of annoying cellulite and will tone you before the hot summer days.

Watermelon can be eaten both for breakfast and at any time of the day. On its own or in different dishes. It is suitable for light smoothies, fruit salads, watermelon sorbets, ice cream sundae and interesting salads. There are countless watermelon recipes.



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