After Easter, the waist is usually at least a little wider. With that much Easter bread, lamb and boiled eggs, it is normal to have had a cheat day.
If you want to get in shape, you can "turn" for help again to boiled eggs. The so-called egg diet will help you get rid of the kilograms you have accumulated and at the same time will not make you feel constantly hungry.
The other very important product in the diet, besides eggs, is the citrus fruit - grapefruit. These two products will lift your mood and help you lose five kilograms in just one week. Other products are added to the diet - the diet has a wide variety of foods, is effective and will not keep you nervous and constantly hungry.
Experts emphasize that this diet can be repeated no more than four times and then it is mandatory to take a break of two months. The most important rules during the regime - start each day with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and drink plenty of water.
Here's what else you need to eat during the diet:
On the first day, drink a cup of bitter coffee - without any sweeteners or milk, eat an apple and supplement breakfast with two hard-boiled eggs. For lunch, eat two boiled eggs again, as well as about 150 g of tomatoes.
Drink another unsweetened coffee. The dinner on the first day consists of two boiled eggs, a vegetable salad, an apple and a slice of rye bread.

The second day begins with the same breakfast as the previous day. For lunch, eat two eggs again, drink a cup of coffee, but instead of tomatoes, eat some of your favorite fruit. Dinner should consist of two eggs, no more than two tomatoes and a spinach salad, but without a dressing.
The only change on the third day is dinner - make tomato and cucumber salad and add about 100 g of roasted chicken.
Day four begins with the usual breakfast and lunch is diversified with a salad of fresh vegetables, an apple and a cup of coffee, but once again unsweetened. Dinner consists of two boiled eggs, an apple, a toasted slice of rye bread and cottage cheese.
On the fifth day, have only eggs and coffee for breakfast and skip the apple. For lunch, prepare two more eggs, a cup of green tea and spinach. Dinner includes a slice of whole grain bread, a salad and for the main - two pieces of white fish.
On the day before last, repeat the breakfast from yesterday and for lunch eat a mixed salad. For dinner, prepare a roasted pork fillet and a delicious salad with lots of celery, tomatoes and cucumbers.
On the seventh day, repeat the same breakfast from the last two days and for lunch eat boiled chicken, a salad and any fruit, except for bananas. For dinner, eat the same as you had for lunch.