Detoxification of the human body is very important. In the 21st century, people eat what is in the store and very few of us still think about what we eat and drink every day. Few are the people that eat natural and healthy foods.
Obesity is not good for us and our health. It affects not only our appearance, but also affects our health, which is one of the most important things in life, because if a person is not healthy, they will not be able to achieve much.
I am recommending a diet that has been tested and really works, but only if you strictly stick to it. Fortunately, I do not have such problems, but my girlfriend lost 23 kg in 20 days with the help of this diet. The first few days were difficult, but then she succeeded. She told herself to get a grip and achieved the weight loss. Here is the diet:
Choose a tea you like, no matter what: mint, thyme, black tea, tagetes, linden, etc. Also get 1 kg of apples.
For two weeks, in the morning, when you get up, eat an apple and after two hours make your favorite tea. So alternate having an apple and drinking tea every two hours every day and start it off with the apple.
You will find a difference not only in weight. You will start feeling better physically as well. The apple will keep you full and at the same time will cleanse your body of the accumulated toxins.

After these two weeks you'll start with a light diet with foods such as vegetable soup and cream soups. From the meat products is recommended only chicken and only boiled with a little butter and if possible with pink salt or without any. If you drink coffee, try decaffeinated with a slice of black bread, if you haven't stopped drinking it in two weeks.
Maintain this light diet for 20 days. It will be perfect if you combine the diet with a little exercise or sport. It will not be bad idea to visit the gym for at least two hours a day, to walk in the park or to go for a walk in the woods in the summertime. Hiking in the woods widens the airways and fresh air will also benefit you.
The diet can be done once a month just to detoxify the body. Then you'll go through the same procedure and the alternation of apple with tea every two hours must only be done for a week.