People gain weight in the abdomen for many reasons - some of which you are able to change. Even the most trained among you often dream of a six pack. Apart from an aesthetic point of view, gaining weight in this area can also be dangerous to your health. The first step in the fight against obesity is to know the causes that cause it.
Genetic factors. Genes play a significant role in the way you gain and lose weight. This is genetically determined in the same way as the color of your eyes is predetermined. The genes also contain information about the distribution of fat deposits in the body - they usually accumulate unevenly and in larger quantities in some areas, in this case - in your abdomen. Look at your parents. If their body type resembles a round belly, the probability that you may also gain weight in that area is high.
Other factors. There are other reasons to gain more weight in the abdominal area. Stress is one of them because the body releases a large amount of cortisol, which is responsible for the accumulation of fat in this area. In women, menopause can be a leading cause of a round belly due to the different levels of hormones during this period. Slow metabolism, old age, indigestion, hormonal problems, malnutrition and many other reasons can be responsible for your belly fat.
Although anyone can gain weight in the abdomen, men are usually more prone to this process due to the high levels of the hormone - androgen, which is responsible for the distribution of fat around the stomach. This leads to the common beer belly, which is typical for middle-aged men. Women are more likely to gain weight around the hips and thighs, but during menopause the fat is redistributed to the abdomen. Middle-aged and elderly people are more prone to this type of weight gain than young people.

There are two types of fat that affect the type of belly you have. These are subcutaneous and visceral (organ) fats. The subcutaneous ones are the ones that have to do with your appearance and that you want to reduce so much. They have an insulating function and an important role in the body. Accumulated fat is never good for your body, but you should still know that it is better to have an excess of subcutaneous fat, despite the negative aesthetic effects, than to have an increased amount of visceral fat, leading to much more serious problems. They increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes and in women - breast cancer.
If you feel that you have gained more than the necessary weight in the abdominal area, it is advisable to change your lifestyle a bit. Make time for some moderate-intensity exercise for 30 minutes a day. Weight training is also very suitable for losing fat in this area. Also pay attention to your portion size when eating.