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Health Tips & AdviceFigwort Against Swelling and Tumors
12 Jan.
Paolina Syarova
Health Tips & AdviceGoldenseal Gets Rid of Cold and Flu
16 Dec.
Plamena M.
Kelp - the Sea's Gift to the Thyroid GlandKelp enriches food with all of the needed substances. That is why it is used for malnutrition. Plus, kelp removes all toxic accumulations from the body - not just from it but from the brain as well.
05 Dec.
Hart's-Tongue Fern Treats CoughingOne of the most effective herbs is hart's-tongue fern - only the leaves of the herb are used. The concoctions made from hart's-tongue fern aid against bronchitis, tracheitis, chronic nephritis, spleen diseases, cystopyelitis and other problems.
02 Dec.
Recipes with Turmeric Protect Against All DiseasesAmerican Dr. Carolyn Anderson points out that any recipe that has 3 particular ingredients can protect us against many diseases, including cancer.
21 Nov.
How to Escape Grocery Store Spending TrapsTo start off, be sure to shop on a full stomach with a pre-made shopping list of the products you need. You don't need to spend your money on a bunch of unnecessary products and sweets.
20 Nov.
Fruit Juices Raise Blood PressureA new study done by scientists from the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia has discovered a real health risk from the consumption of fruit juices - high blood pressure.
18 Nov.
Birch Juice to be the New Craze in 2015Birch juice aids in getting rid of toxins from the body and according to experts will quickly take the place of other healthy beverages that people are currently drinking.
14 Nov.
Foods That Save us from High Stomach AcidsStomach acids are not dangerous but the sensation they cause is not at all pleasant. Luckily, there are several foods that can effectively save us from the acids.
29 Oct.
Get Rid of your Irritating Cough with GeraniumGeranium is one of the herbs most commonly recommended as a treatment for a dry and stubborn cough. You can make a syrup from the herb or an infusion. The remedies for cough using geranium are several.
15 Oct.
Common Lady's Mantle for Diarrhea and Gastrointestinal ProblemsDiarrhea and gastrointestinal problems occur most often due to overeating a particular food or foods that don't go together. Sometimes the reason lies in low-quality or older products.
07 Oct.
Remedies with PotentillaThe levels of catechin tannins, gallotannins, ellagitannins, as well as ellagic acid, triterpenic acids are impressive. All of these substances contribute to the hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, costive and antispasmodic action of potentilla.
09 Sept.
Chocolate and Wine Protect Against Type 2 DiabetesThe flavonoids (which are antioxidants) found in chocolate, tea, wine and certain fruits, are recognized as blood sugar level regulators. This is what a new study shows in Great Britain.
03 Sept.
Chicken Drumsticks are Responsible for the Aggression in ChildrenAccording to clinical psychologist Brian Russell, this study by dietitians is completely absurd. He explains that people have been consuming chicken legs and wings for centuries and this could not be the reason for children becoming more aggressive.
03 Sept.
Bacopa Monnieri Against Stress and InsomniaBacopa monnieri extract is used mainly for relaxation, since it is successful in combating stress. Moreover, it treats insomnia. It boosts the concentration and memory of the person.
29 Aug.
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