»Articles»Health Tips & Advice»Kelp - the Sea's Gift to the Thyroid Gland

Kelp - the Sea's Gift to the Thyroid Gland

Plamena M.Plamena M.
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Kelps are wild-growing brown algae. They can be found along the coasts of the Baltic Sea, North America and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Brown algae are some of the most highly valued foods. They are rich in all of the elements needed by the human body. In them there is a balanced complex of vitamins A, В1, В2 and С, the macro- and micronutrients selenium, iodine, manganese, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc and cobalt.

Furthermore, a yellow-brown pigment - fucoxanthin, is found in their cells, which the algae owe their characteristic color to, as well as chlorophyll B and C. They also contain essential oils, alginic acid, fucoidan, laminarin and others.

One of the greatest benefits that kelp provide is to the endocrine system. They are successful in combating diseases of the thyroid gland.

They owe this property to the high amounts of iodine (especially diiodotyrosine) contained therein and the selenium that is required for the functioning of the deiodinase. Kelp optimizes thyroid gland function. Plus it improves metabolism in the body multiple times over.

These brown algae are also used successfully for lowering cholesterol, as well as normalizing microflora. They prevent the accumulation of lipids in vascular walls.

Bundle of Kelp

Kelp enriches food with all of the needed substances. That is why it is used for malnutrition. Plus, it removes all toxic accumulations from the body - not just from it but from the brain as well.

Kelp seaweed regulate metabolism and are applicable to dietetics. They aid weight loss by controlling appetite.

They are used as a prophylactic treatment for all kinds of eye diseases and damage to the retina. They also recommended for bone and joint problems in kids. In addition, they have been proven to calm the nervous system and enhance brain function.

As is now quite clear, kelps improve overall health. Even so, they must not be consumed in certain cases: during pregnancy and nursing, as well as if suffering from overactive thyroid and heart problems.

Excessive doses may lead to elevated pulse and higher blood pressure.
