During the cold winter season, each one of us tries to dress warmly, drink hot drinks and take more vitamins. But even this does not always save us from respiratory diseases. Anyone can catch the virus from which no one is immune to.
As a result of bacterial and viral infections, the respiratory system is often affected and recovery usually takes a long time.
Prolonged cough and bronchitis can last from a few days to three weeks. Therefore, you need to act immediately as soon as the first signs appear.
Stop the use of expensive and ineffective drugs, arm yourself with natural remedies and here is one of the best ones!
The ingredients for it are: 250 ml of milk, 1 tsp. of butter, 1 tsp. of honey, 1/4 tsp. of baking soda and 1 egg yolk.
Boil and cool the milk, add the butter and honey to it and mix everything very well. Add the baking soda, egg yolk and mix everything very well again. Adults can also add 1 tsp. of cognac.
Take this medicine for 5 days before bedtime. You will notice the first improvements the next morning.