»Articles»Useful Advice»Blackcurrant Leaves - The Gift of Nature That Heals Everything

Blackcurrant Leaves - The Gift of Nature That Heals Everything

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

The blackcurrant is an unique plant, its fruits are a tasty treat and the leaves are a unique medicinal product. The remarkable thing is that the blackcurrant leaves are especially valuable. The fruits of this bush have long been used as a medicinal and prophylactic means to restore health.

The beneficial properties of black currant leaves

- Blackcurrant leaves contain many useful substances: vitamins (especially a lot of vitamin C), tannins, flavonoids, phytoncides, mineral salts (manganese, copper, magnesium, etc.);

- Due to their high content of vitamin C and other active substances, blackcurrant leaves are indispensable for avitaminosis and weakened immunity. Preparations from the plant restore strength after long illnesses, restore vitality after fatigue;

- In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant - it prevents the development of oncological diseases, and prevents premature aging. Tinctures and decoctions from the leaves of the plant have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect;

- The beneficial properties of blackcurrants allow their use for the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis. The plant has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and hematopoiesis - eliminates anemia and atherosclerosis. The benefits of blackcurrant leaves are invaluable in gout and rheumatism;

- The phytoncides contained in blackcurrants make it indispensable for colds and infectious diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, whooping cough and angina. Blackcurrant tea is a well-known folk remedy for coughs. The green parts of the plant are especially useful for adults - they help maintain good eyesight, the cardiovascular system and support brain activity;

- Blackcurrant leaves destroy the dysentery bacillus and are used as adjuvants improving the effect of antibiotics. The green parts of blackcurrants are often included in multivitamins along with other medicinal plants;

- Tibetan medicine recommends blackcurrant leaf treatment - tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, colds, general diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system; and tincture of wine for cardiovascular disease.

Use of blackcurrant leaves

Decoction from blackcurrant leaves is taken for metabolic disorders and bleeding. Thanks to the diaphoretic and laxative effect, the plant is used as a diuretic for kidney diseases, puffiness, as well as for removing excess urine and uric acid from the body.

Regular consumption of blackcurrant leaf tea prevents such serious diseases as diabetes, lowers blood pressure, stimulates appetite, stomach, liver and intestines.

This drink is recommended during the flu, as it has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and general strengthening effect on the body.

The benefit of blackcurrant leaves is great in the presence of skin diseases. Adding a decoction of the leaves to the bath will help remove irritation, rash and sweat from the skin.

With dermatitis of various origins, skin itching, inflammatory processes on the skin - in all cases, blackcurrant leaves will help.

And with the delicious fruits from the bush, you can prepare delicacies such as:

- blackcurrant pastries;

- blackcurrant desserts.



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