»Articles»Health Tips & Advice»Beetroot - The Best Remedy for Sore Throat

Beetroot - The Best Remedy for Sore Throat

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

When you feel the first signs of sore throat, it is necessary to take urgent measures to treat the disease. Only then will it be possible to stop the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Of course, this does not preclude a visit to the doctor and taking medication prescribed by them.

But to ensure the effect, we recommend recipes for the treatment of angina at home. They will help you eliminate the local manifestations of the disease and will be an excellent addition to the complex therapy.

You need beets for this treatment. It is an amazing root vegetable that can not only easily deal with a sore throat, but it is actually an excellent remedy for a sore throat.

Beetroot properties

sore throat

- reduces inflammation and relieves sore throat;

- has a noticeable antimicrobial effect;

- relieves pain;

- strengthens the immunity;

- increases the elasticity of capillaries and normalizes the blood supply;

- softens congestion and relieves purulent plaque;

Fresh beetroot juice is used for treatment. It is obtained with the help of a juicer, blender or grater and the result will not make you wait long.

1. An effective recipe for a sore throat

Beetroot juice

Mix 200 ml of beetroot juice with 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven to 30-35 degrees. Clean your throat with this mixture at least 6-7 times a day, until your complete recovery;

2. For purulent angina it is recommended to gargle ​​with a solution of beetroot and onion juice. Dilute beetroot juice with water in equal proportions. In 150 ml of the mixture add 1 tbsp. of onion juice. Rinse your throat every 3 hours, no less;

3. Beetroot juice is an excellent remedy for colds. Mix equal parts of juice and water and add a little honey. Put 4 drops in each nostril, 4 times a day for 5 days.

4. This mixture is used for viral angina. Mix 100 ml of beetroot juice, 100 ml of water and 1 tsp. of lemon juice/ With this mixture you need to rinse your sore throat at least 5-6 times a day.

Beetroot juice and Beetroots

5. For chronic tonsillitis it is recommended to drink beetroot broth. One kg of washed (roasted) beets are boiled in 2 liters of water. When the beets soften, pour the broth into a separate bowl. Drink 50 ml of the broth 3 times a day, also gargle it. Store the broth in the refrigerator and warm it before use.

Absolutely everyone can use beetroot broth or juice, except those that are sensitive to certain components of the plant. You should drink beetroot broth or juice with caution if you have gastritis, urolithiasis, diabetes and osteoporosis!

Stay healthy!
