There are several versions of who invented truffles. According to one of them, this chocolate treat was first prepared by the culinary specialist Auguste Escoffier in 1920. The delicacy is the result of a mistake by his student.
According to the second version, the author of the truffle recipe is the Frenchman Louis Dufour in 1895. He invented this dessert in anticipation of Christmas. Cream, chocolate and cocoa powder made incredibly delicious candies, which soon became popular not only in France, but also abroad.
Why is the sweet treat called “truffle”

Because in shape it is very reminiscent of the delicious mushroom of the same name. Over time, the classic dessert recipe has changed, and now you can try truffles with various fillings, toppings, as well as vegan options. This world-famous dessert is easy to prepare at home.
The Classic Chocolate Truffle
For a traditional chocolate truffle you will need high-quality chocolate, liquid full-fat cream and cocoa powder. Sometimes truffles are made with butter. In that case they are a little thicker.
If the classic version seems too high-calorie to you, you can make chocolates in another way. You will need roasted almonds, soft plums and a little chia seeds.
Instead of the latter, you can take coconut shavings or increase the number of nuts. The finished sweet truffles are sprinkled generously with cocoa powder and served.
A recipe for clever chocolate truffles

You can also prepare Oreo truffles. Combine cookies with cream cheese and you will get a delicious treat for tea or coffee. Such no-bake desserts are a great help. The finished truffles are covered with glaze and decorated with crushed almonds. To make the nuts crunchy, heat them in a pan along with 1 tbsp. sugar.
Handmade chocolate truffles can be a great gift.
Arrange the sweet cocoa treats in a beautiful box and feel free to treat your family and friends with it!
Find out how to make coconut truffles or white chocolate truffles.