Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts. They are rich in protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals. Almonds are increasingly entering the rankings of the so-called superfoods.
Lemon is among the most popular citrus fruits. You know at least a few of its uses, right? However, when it comes to its peel, you often can't imagine where else it would be used.
Eggs are sometimes notorious for their low cholesterol content and for being among the foods that often lead to food allergies. Eggs offer high nutritional value with 13 vitamins and minerals, high-quality easily digestible protein
Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein and healthy fats - so it is written in many directories. Pumpkin seeds contain up to 52 percent fat and up to 30 percent protein.
In most diets, chicken and fish are recommended as healthy, low-calorie and wholesome meat. But which one of the two is healthier to eat? There are some peculiarities that must be taken into account when choosing which of the two to emphasize in our diet.
Every age is beautiful. When they pass the threshold of 50, however, most people no longer think they can stay in good shape. And so they neglect their body.
The secret to weight lose is the long-term change of habits. Don't skip dinner, simply make it a healthy one instead. To avoid any stomach problems just be moderate. Forget about large, abundant servings.
Turmeric - your liver's favorite spice. Try adding it to lentil dishes or other vegetarian dishes. The healing and restorative effect on the liver is well worth it.