Many fruit are grown in our latitudes, but most of them are seasonal. There are some that do not grow here. Check out the healthiest fruit available year-round
Even if you intake high amounts of iron every day, you need to help your body absorb them better. This is done by consuming a variety of foods, especially those rich in vitamin C.
Orange juice is one of the most popular juices in the world. Orange juice has pros and cons. What is the recommended dose for the consumption of orange juice?
They are a great choice for people who expend physical energy and are recommended for gastrointestinal disorders. If you suffer from varicose veins, you can also turn to chestnuts for help - they strengthen the walls of venous vessels.
Selenium is a particularly valuable mineral for the human health, which has an extremely powerful effect and therefore we need only small amounts. Which are the best sources of selenium?
If you happen to have dried fruit and dried hawthorn leaves in your cupboard, make a healing hawthorn tea straight away. Hawthorn tea - what is it good for?