Is the combination of fish and milk dangerous to eat or is it just an old myth? Consumption of both products is controversial, as many people have complained of stomach pains after eating them.
Fish and milk in combination cause the interaction between protein molecules, which leads to mild stomach discomfort. However, not everyone who has consumed these two products develops stomach pain.
As both foods are rich in protein source, it is possible that their simultaneous consumption in the body can cause different biochemical processes, that interfere with each other, which can sometimes have unpleasant consequences.
The other possible cause of the side effect is related to the risk of accumulation of bacteria in canned fish - Clostridium botulinum or Bacillus subtilis, which can get into canned food and develop in the created anaerobic environment.
But even if both products are well preserved, there can be no question of poisoning. Because most fish are high in mercury, combined with milk, your stomach problems are guaranteed, most experts say.
Rarely do people consume completely fresh fish. More often it is canned, frozen, smoked, salted or dried, which makes it more difficult to pass through the digestive tract. This means that any suspicious combinations with fish are not recommended.

According to some people who often consume fish and milk together, there is no danger in combining the two foods.
In some countries, marinated fish with milk and white fish in milk sauce are available as exotic dishes. This shows that tradition is not always in agreement with science.
However, it is unacceptable for trainees to mix the two products, as they will slow down their absorption by the body. By this logic, rice with meat, eggs and meat, meat and milk, eggs and milk should not be combined.
Ayurveda also believes, that there are foods that we should not combine. The study defends this theory, because it believes that the combination of certain foods in everyday life can cause allergies and can disrupt the metabolism.
Ayurveda strictly forbids mixing fish and milk, fish and eggs, milk and fruit, chicken and milk, fruit and vegetables, honey and vegetable oils, olives and milk, white cheese and milk, meat with fish, bread or potatoes.