Cooking Ideas

Cooking Ideas

Wondering what to cook? Discover interesting, traditional and unconventional suggestions to grace your dinner table with, only from Bonapeti.
Six Tried and Delicious Hummus RecipesSix Tried and Delicious Hummus Recipes
03 Nov.
Hummus is one of the most favored spreads in Arabic cuisine. It is quick to make and can be used as a dip or as a garnish for all kinds of meat and vegetables.
How to Make Medlar MarmaladeHow to Make Medlar Marmalade
31 Oct.
Like many other fruits, medlars are usually eaten raw. But when you have large quantities of them, the best solution for saving their unique taste longer is to make them into marmalade.
Making Jams with QuincesMaking Jams with Quinces
30 Oct.
Flavorful quinces are often ignored but you can make delicious jellies or jams from them. Then add the jams to yoghurt, prepare delicious cakes or simply smear them on toast or pancakes.
The Exact Steps for the Perfect LasagnaThe Exact Steps for the Perfect Lasagna
28 Oct.
The preparation of lasagna is a seemingly easy culinary task. But the truth is that even one little mistake can ruin the entire recipe. Therefore, to make the perfect lasagna, you need to strictly follow the rules for its preparation.
Quick and Delicious Recipes for GnocchiQuick and Delicious Recipes for Gnocchi
24 Oct.
There are different ways of serving gnocchi, similar to the way pasta is served - with sauce, butter with sage or parmesan. Here are a few quick and delicious recipes for gnocchi to make at home.
5 Recipes for Delicious Soups with Pasta5 Recipes for Delicious Soups with Pasta
22 Oct.
Italian culture is actively becoming a part of many traditional cuisines by offering some of their delicious recipes of soup with pasta. In combination with vegetables, the result is a wonderful symbiosis between the delicious and healthy.
How to Make Jelly and Wine from DogwoodHow to Make Jelly and Wine from Dogwood
20 Oct.
Dogwood is one of the earliest blooming trees. As if to balance with this, the cornels are among the last harvested. It's still worth the wait though, since the little red fruits are loaded with vitamins and minerals.
How to Prepare Dried and Marinated PearsHow to Prepare Dried and Marinated Pears
15 Oct.
Since we are in the season of preserving products for the winter, here are 2 recipes for making dried and marinated pears.
How to Make Bonbons with CarobHow to Make Bonbons with Carob
08 Oct.
Carob powder is the most appetizing alternative to cocoa and chocolate. Bakery goods made from it are not only delicious but healthy. Here's how to prepare unbelievable bonbons with carob.
3 Recipes for Delicious Fritters3 Recipes for Delicious Fritters
06 Oct.
Fritters are loved by young and old alike. Well-prepared fritters are a delicious dessert and wonderful breakfast. You can prepare soft, fluffy fritters in several ways.
How to Make Rosehip MarmaladeHow to Make Rosehip Marmalade
06 Oct.
When preparing marmalade, soft and overripe fruits are usually used. Semi-mashed ones also work. Before use, remove the rotten and damaged areas, as well as the seeds and pits.
How to Make Wine from AroniaHow to Make Wine from Aronia
30 Sept.
Aronia is in 1st place among multivitamin fruits with its proven healing properties. It contains 5 times the amount found in grapes.
Delicious Recipes with ProsciuttoDelicious Recipes with Prosciutto
17 Sept.
Prosciutto rolls with fresh feta cheese are delicious and easy to make. You will need 10 transparently thin slices of prosciutto, 7 oz fresh feta cheese, a mixture of equal parts white, black and pink pepper.