Which ingredients you should choose for cooking, so the meals retain the beneficial properties that are needed for optimal health and a well- functioning immune system? Find a list of cooking ingredients , their origins and use. Learn which product is useful for what and which recipes it is used in.
Mince is a food product obtained from grinding just about any type of meat - pork, veal, chicken, various types of game, fish and so on. A delicious mince must neither be too fatty, nor too dry, it has to be juicy.
Gin is a high alcohol drink, which alcoholic drink aficionados know due to its presence in a wide range of cocktails that are popular worldwide. Real gin is made from the fruits of the juniper plant, as well as other fruits.
Rum is a distilled alcoholic drink, a favorite for a whole lot of people around the world. Rum is made from sugar cane, as well as from sugar cane syrup.
A sour is a cocktail mixed with alcohol, lemon juice, powdered sugar and an egg white. Because of the lemon, the cocktail truly does have a slight sour taste. Traditionally, sours are decorated with an orange slice or cocktail cherries.
Rioja is the name given to the group of high quality wines produced from varieties grown in the namesake wine region of Spain. The 3 main subregions of Rioja are Rioja Alta, Rioja Alavesa and Rioja Baja.
Amaretto is an Italian sweet liqueur, which is made from apricots or almonds, in some instances both. Amaretto can be widely used in cooking, including in ice cream cakes with almonds and chocolate, cheesecakes and layer cakes.
Lobsters are a type of seafood valued for their taste all over the world by just about everyone. Lobsters, like all other seafood, contain quite healthy substances. They are rich in vitamins B3, B9 and B12.
Arrowroot (Marantha arundinacea) is a perennial plant, whose roots are used for food, as a thickening agent and as an additive in various medicines. Arrowroot originates from the topics of South America.
Scotch is an alcoholic drink or more accurately, a whiskey. What's more specific about it is that it's made in Scotland. In fact, if a whiskey is made anywhere else it cannot rightly be classified as Scotch.
Brandy is the umbrella term for alcoholic drinks produced by distilling wine or the fermented juice of other fruits - peaches, cherries, pears and others. Brandy as we know it today was contrived in the 12th century in the region of Armagnac, France.
Munster (Munster-géromé) is a French cheese made from cow's milk. Munster is also popularly known as monster cheese due to its unusual and even horrifying aroma.