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Health Tips & AdviceThe Fruit That Helps Fight Viruses
19 Aug.
Iliana Angelova
Health Tips & AdviceHow Do We Get the Daily Dose of Calcium We Need?
05 Aug.
Vyara Kostadinova
Health Tips & AdviceGluten-Free Foods
05 Aug.
Plamena M.
Detoxify pesticides - how to do it?In today's world, the food we consume is often laced with pesticides. The Milerd Detoxer, a revolutionary device, offers a solution to this problem.
20 July
Which are the Essential Fatty AcidsEssential fatty acids, abbreviated as EFA, are vital ingredients that the body cannot synthesize by itself, but obtains them from external sources.
17 July
Cleansing From Internal Parasites! Here`s HowAccording to statistics, one third of the population suffers from parasites. How to cleanse ourselves from internal parasites?
22 June
What Should You Eat When You Have Hemorrhoids?Hemorrhoids are an inflammatory disease of the large intestine, accompanied by thrombosis, pathological torsion and expansion of hemorrhoidal veins that form nodes in the rectum.
19 June
This Onion and Honey Syrup Cleanses The Lungs of SmokersIf you are a smoker, this recipe is just for you. It is easy to prepare at home and the products are available in every kitchen. It expels the secretions from the lungs of smokers.
21 May
Weight Loss and Nutrition After ChemotherapyChemotherapy has strong side effects, some of which are related to the digestive system and nutrition. Foods that are easy to chew and swallow after chemotherapy
08 May
Sweeteners Recommended For People With DiabetesOne of the most common diseases in the world is diabetes. With diabetes the insulin production in the pancreas is insufficient.
08 May
The Effects of Drinking Coffee with High Blood PressueCoffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Its active action is mainly due to the high content of caffeine, which is a natural stimulant.
07 May
Eat Sweet Potatoes! They Boost Your Immune System and Lower Blood SugarSweet potatoes are one of the healthiest foods. They boost the immune system, lower the blood sugar and are perfect for diabetics.
07 May
Prostatitis DietA rationally chosen diet for prostatitis is a suitable addition to any treatment approach. Dietary requirements for prostatitis. Prohibited foods for prostatitis. Useful foods for prostatitis.
28 Apr.
The Best Anti-Stress TeasAdd the magical herbs listed here to regular or green tea to beat stress. Experiment and enjoy while consuming these beneficial anti-stress teas. Here are the 4 anti-stress teas for peace of mind
27 Apr.
Powerful Remedy for a Persistent Cough and BronchitisDuring the cold winter season, each one of us tries to dress warmly, drink hot drinks and take more vitamins. But even this does not always save us from respiratory diseases.
24 Apr.
Foods, That Lower Blood PressureHypertension has always been considered a disease, which the elderly have, but unfortunately this disease has recently been found in the very young people as well.
20 Apr.
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