Vegetarian Soup with Rice

Vegetarian Soup with Rice

Try and share some of our amazing ideas for vegetarian soups with rice on Bonapeti. Here are 33 different and easy suggestions for vegetarian soups with rice to give your favourite recipes a new lease of life!
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Rice Soup for SoberingRice Soup for Sobering
Maria KostoffMaria Kostoff2731032
Spinach Soup with RiceSpinach Soup with Rice
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova1k13128
Nettle and Rice SoupNettle and Rice Soup
Marina NordMarina Nord4047106
Sorrel and Rice SoupSorrel and Rice Soup
Veselina KonstantinovaVeselina Konstantinova7323127
Clear Mushroom Soup with RiceClear Mushroom Soup with Rice
Albena Asenova-PisevaAlbena Asenova-Piseva147245
Turkish Bulgur and Rice SoupTurkish Bulgur and Rice Soup
Mariana Petrova IvanovaMariana Petrova Ivanova52576
Spring Onions and Rice SoupSpring Onions and Rice Soup
Teodora CekovaTeodora Cekova8713
Mushroom Soup with Rice and VegetablesMushroom Soup with Rice and Vegetables
Ivana Krasteva-PieroniIvana Krasteva-Pieroni5671404
Spinach Soup with Rice and CheeseSpinach Soup with Rice and Cheese
Ivana Krasteva-PieroniIvana Krasteva-Pieroni5671404
Fresh Spinach SoupFresh Spinach Soup
Elena Stefanova JordanovaElena Stefanova Jordanova295150
Olive SoupOlive Soup
Nikolai StefanovNikolai Stefanov2
Classic Spinach SoupClassic Spinach Soup
Tsvetelina StoikovaTsvetelina Stoikova41
Spinach Soup with Thickening AgentSpinach Soup with Thickening Agent
VILI-Violeta MatevaVILI-Violeta Mateva5871108
Young Nettle SoupYoung Nettle Soup
Gergana  GeorgievaGergana Georgieva706
Button Mushroom SoupButton Mushroom Soup
Ivana Krasteva-PieroniIvana Krasteva-Pieroni5671404


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