An American company has produced a pizza sauce, containing 10.5 oz (300 mg) of marijuana. The extraordinary sauce is now available in stores in the US for $20 each.
The makers of the sauce say that the combination of marijuana and sauce has been well developed, so your pizza won't taste like pot.
The sauce is an alternative to medical marijuana users, who don't like the taste of pot brownies.
"The amount per jar is enough for 1 large or 2 smaller pizzas, and after the 3rd slice you'll be fully medicated, " told Steve Thomas, vice president of the company.

The new pizza sauce bears the name "Podey Pizza" and customers can only buy it if they present a doctor's prescription, allowing them to use the drug, to the cashier.
The 1st batch of sauce with marijuana is already in stores. The sauce is intended to be used on pizza, with 3 slices of cannabis advertised to be enough for one full medical treatment.
Marijuana use is legal in some US states, where the selling of the marijuana sauce is not be hindered by the authorities. The use of marijuana is only allowed for medical reasons.
Steve Thomas points out that the company had been long working on the sauce recipe. "We had to work on the taste so that the sauce didn't taste green, " states Thomas.

The makers have promised that even overweight people would be able to feel the effects of the topping. Before putting it out on the market, the company conducted a series of experiments with their sauce.
"We probably made 150-200 pizzas and would invite three or four people to try them. We even put ads looking for people who were 300 pounds plus to make sure the dosage was right, " continues Thomas.
Podey Pizza is the 1st sauce ever to contain marijuana. Pizza with marijuana was so far only offered it specialized cafes and restaurants.
Every year in November in Prague, they hold Cannafest, where you can sample dishes with marijuana and try on clothes containing hemp thread.