Did you know that the 5th of February is World Nutella Day? One can easily reason that the worldwide popular chocolate spread has very serious positions on the market to be able to afford to buy a whole day dedicated to the brand.
The Nutella chocolate spread brand is probably the most famous one not only in our country but also all around the world. Although it is known that chocolate spreads are not the healthiest of foods, the contents of a jar of the popular brand will definitely shock you.
What does a jar of Nutella contain
A whole 56.8% of the content of Nutella is white sugar, writes Daily Mirror, and the official website of the brand confirms these percentages. The composition also includes milk powder, hazelnuts, cocoa powder and the controversial palm oil.
Palm oil has been widely discussed recently, since medical research has identified it as the leading cause of cancer.

But because there is no conclusive evidence for these claims, many manufacturers continue to add palm oil to their products.
The recipe for our chocolate spread makes the Nutella brand what it is and if we change it we will lose the specific taste that has attracted thousands of people, the company commented.
Potential harm from high amounts of sugar
However, the high sugar content seriously worries doctors. They claim that such an amount can seriously damage your health.
Consumption of large amounts of sugar, in addition to increasing the risk of diabetes, damages the kidneys and leads to obesity, and obesity causes various cardiovascular diseases.
The first sign that we are intaking too much sugar is lack of physical activity. This is due to the secretion of insulin.
The younger a person is, the faster their sugar levels return to normal, but for older people, high sugar levels can remain for up to 6 hours after their intake.
Check out the healthier alternative - Homemade Chocolate Spread.