Sweet foods are one of the most preferred - by both children and adults. Both by men and women. Unfortunately, however, the foods we usually indulge in – chocolate, cakes or ice cream – are bad for our health and waistline, if we consume them often.
Sugar cravings can be a sign of many things - some deficiencies, for example. If your body doesn't have enough magnesium, your body will show it by craving chocolate. In other cases, the body may send indications that you are not giving it enough energy. In other cases, it is not a question of a real hunger for energy or substances, but simply a gluttonous desire for sweet foods.
How to deal with the sugar cravings?
First of all, you shouldn't let yourself get to the state of feeling hungry, because in these situations, your body is more likely to give you a signal that it wants sweet foods. At that time it urgently needs energy. Therefore, you must concentrate and try to eat at regular intervals and have three meals for the day and if you feel hungry in between - satisfy your hunger with a fruit, a vegetable, milk or some nuts.
It's a well-known fact that proteins get rid of the sugar cravings, so try to have them in every meal - it doesn't have to be meat. For breakfast or for lunch you can choose egg or cheese; you can also emphasize on plant proteins, for example beans, broccoli or chickpeas.
If that doesn't help, then you need to make sure you're giving your body enough variety and enough quality food. Otherwise, it may be telling you that it's just lacking something – like magnesium, other minerals or vitamins.

So get yourself a quality supplement in the form of multivitamins for daily use. Make sure they also contain minerals. If all else fails, consider getting your magnesium levels tested. If a deficiency is proven or its values are not optimal, then start taking it in the form of a supplement.
Emphasize on sweet but healthy foods. If you crave of chocolate, eat a spoonful of honey mixed with cocoa. Or make homemade candies from dates, almonds and cocoa.
If you crave of ice cream, homemade fruit sorbets take a few minutes and the result is a healthy dessert with enough fiber and other substances.
You can also eat fruits. Also search healthy recipes for your favorite treats. Biscuits, for example, can be easily made with oats, bananas and raisins.