When it comes to sugar, we try to avoid it as much as possible, whether it's white or brown. But this ingredient has been part of the human diet for thousands of years.
In addition to its well-known negative effects sugar has benefits, even if they are not so publicized: it has a high caloric content that gives energy in a short time. It's more easily metabolized and more filling than corn syrup, high in fructose, can slightly raise blood pressure (which is a good thing in some situations) and has antidepressant potential (now we have confirmation, chocolate cures depression).
Considering that a person consumes an average of 24 kilograms of sugar each year (in highly industrialized countries this amount is higher), it is natural to wonder if this ingredient is not to blame for many diseases in recent decades such as diabetes, obesity, heart - vascular or bone diseases.
To clarify this dilemma, first, we must distinguish between white and brown sugar, because the general opinion is that the second option is healthier. Partly true, as you will find in this article!
There are two types of sugar - white, which is produced from sugar beets and brown sugar, which is produced from cane.
Sugarcane is a type of grass similar to bamboo and reaches a height of 2 to 6 meters. The largest producers of cane sugar are India and Brazil. It is dark brown in color and moist. It completely replaces white sugar for making desserts, cakes and baked goods. Store it in a well-closed container.
When a sugar is refined, it means it has been purified. Various compounds such as formic acid, sulphurous gas, bleaching agents are used for purification from impurities. Some of these substances remain in white sugar itself, which is why it is so criticized by healthy food lovers.
Unrefined cane sugar has a pleasant caramel taste. In general, both types of sugar do not differ much in their composition. Thanks to nutritionists, cane sugar is once again honored and recommended for a healthy diet. People's weight and health are preserved with it, because it has a low glycemic index. This sugar can be taken by people with diabetes, but those with type 2 should be careful.

Brown cane sugar helps with breast cancer and prostate cancer. The beneficial substances in brown sugar are much more. Its caramel color and strong aroma are due to the potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium contained in it. The strong and rich taste makes it desirable for sweetening tea or coffee, but without exaggerating the amount.
Unrefined sugar provides glucose to the body and is stored in the muscles in the form of glycogen. Dissolved teaspoon of brown cane sugar in a glass of water helps with physical exhaustion and intense heat. With it, you will hydrate your body more easily.
It has a strengthening effect on the kidneys, stomach, heart, eyes and brain. In the case of cystitis and pain, a mixture of ginger juice, lime, cane sugar and coconut milk can be prepared. This combination gives a good result.
As already mentioned, sweetening food with sugar, be it regular or cane sugar, is best done in limited quantities. Many people are addicted to these sweeteners and it is not good for our body.
Excessive use of sugar can cause conditions such as diabetes or sleep disorders.

Sugar is a toxin that is at the root of many diseases of the 21st century and does not bring as many useful nutrients to the human body. According to recent studies, excessive consumption is dangerous, as it is the main culprit of diseases such as:
- Diabetes;
- Obesity;
- Sleep disorders;
- Cardiovascular diseases;
- Cancer;
- Accelerates aging.
How to give up sugar or at least reduce it?
- Replace sugar with carob flour;
- Eat more fruit and vegetables that are naturally sweet - for example, plums, watermelon, blueberries, apricots, peaches, pink tomatoes;
- Eat small snacks between meals that will reduce your cravings for sweets
- Add coconut oil to coffee or cinnamon - this will reduce your desire to sweeten it with sugar.
- If you still can't give up sugar, use cane sugar as an alternative to white sugar.
And here's something delicious with brown sugar to make your life sweeter: Brown Sugar Crème Caramel or a Brown Sugar Fluffy Sponge Cake.