Pizza Mexicana

Looking for pizza mexicana? Check out our 12 ideas for pizza mexicana on Bonapeti
Pizza MexicanaPizza MexicanaPut the pizza to bake at {190°C} in a preheated oven....
Mexican PizzaMexican Pizza
Sprinkle the Mexican pizza with oregano and serve it while it's warm....
History of PizzaHistory of Pizza
Some American pizza recipes lack tomatoes....
Mexican MeatballsMexican Meatballs
Soak crumbled bread in the milk for 2 min. Then mix it with the mince, onion, egg and coriander. Season with salt and pepper and knead well. Form...
Mexican GuacamoleMexican Guacamole
The Mexican Guacamole is ready....
Mexican ChickenMexican Chicken
Thoroughly clean the chicken and cut it into pieces. Roll the pieces in flour and fry them until browned in olive or sunflower oil with the grated...
Mexican GratinMexican Gratin
Fry the mince with cinnamon, it gives a pleasant flavor to the dish. In a saucepan or deep baking dish, arrange: a layer of fried minced meat, a layer...
Mexican CabbageMexican Cabbage
Cut the cabbage into medium strips, grate the carrots coarsely, cut the garlic. Mix these vegetables together, add the dill. For the marinade,...
Mexican SaladMexican Salad
Peel the roasted red peppers and cut them into strips. Cut the raw green ones into elongated strips. Add the corn, beans and finely chopped...
Mexican TortillasMexican Tortillas
Mexican tortillas are baked oil free, in a preheated skillet. Bake side 3 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the other....
Mexican BeansMexican Beans
Take the mince and fry it with the black pepper and paprika, salt, garlic (sliced, not crushed). Once ready, drain some of the oil, and add the pre-boiled...
Mexican TortillaMexican Tortilla
Enjoy this Mexican tortilla!...


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