If you have liver problems and have already tried to cure yourself, but the attempt was unsuccessful, you can try the effect of a healthy vegetable-fruit cocktail.
This is a very tasty drink for cleansing the body. Food should be reduced for a week. Every day you should drink a glass of the vegetable smoothie. As a result, it will not only improve the liver function, but it will make you feel refreshed and more awake.
The necessary products are: 3 carrots, 2 green apples, 1 beetroot, half a lemon without the peel, a piece of fresh ginger root, a few leaves of lettuce or spinach.
Preparation: All products are washed, cleaned and then cut into a blender. Add a little water to give the drink a pleasant consistency. The prepared mixture is cooled and the leftovers are stored in a refrigerator.
Carrots are rich in flavonoids and vitamin A, which nourishes the liver. The pectin contained in apples helps eliminate toxins. Lettuce green leaves provide good blood circulation and strengthen the immune system.

Ginger and lemon promote the excellent work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve bloating and improve the metabolism.
Raw beetroots have a lot of fiber and they are good for the intestines. Make vegetable smoothies and purees, but also make this healthy cocktail.
The effect can be seen on the next day. It needs to be taken for ten days, no more. You will feel fresher and full of energy. With this drink you will detoxify your liver and stay healthy!